Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Personal Application

This is a recent post from a friend of mine who blogs over at Withoutwax.tv I was challenged to 'take the challenge' perhaps you are too! We are only a day behind. Let me know if you are in!

We have been camped out in Matthew 6:33 where Jesus said “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

When it comes to seeking first the Kingdom of God one area of my life I’ve been failing is simply time with God.

We live in a day of unprecedented opportunities to stimulate our minds. We have blogs, television, and 24-hour news. We have ipods, dvd players, and radios in our cars. Everywhere we go there is some kind of message trying to bombard our minds. And honestly, I’ve allowed all the noise to keep me from seeking God as I should.

Francis Chan said,

We think He’s a great Savior, but not a great role model. The American church has abandoned the most simple and obvious truth of what it means to follow Jesus: You actually follow His pattern of life.

One of the the obvious patterns of Jesus’s life was time with God. Over and over again in the Gospels we see where Jesus would “withdraw” to be alone with his Father. And this pattern while repeated over and over by Jesus has been missing in my life as of late.

I bet I’m not alone. So here comes the 28 day challenge. I noticed there just happens to be 28 days between now and Easter. There also happens to be 28 chapters in the book of Matthew. What if we committed together to just read one chapter a day?

This is our opportunity to “seek first the Kingdom of God” together. I’ve never tried anything like this here on Without Wax, but I thought it would be a great way to hold each other accountable. I’ll try to periodically blog about certain observations from the texts we’re reading through.

Will it make a difference? You’ll never know unless you try.

Chapter one starts today!