I will start with the most recent. In a conversation just yesterday, I was talking to a senior at the college and a recent graduate. The graduate is hard at work and accomplishing great things. Let's talk about that (his life) for a minute.----
On campus, for all 4 years this fellow was an active part of ministry. He had much energy and much enthusiasm. He had a vision to reach the lost, but also was intent on building a significant community. He had a core small group that met for the entire time of college - in fact they still meet on occasions after graduation. He was always involved in ministry leadership and made a key impact on the programs he was involved with. He invited friends to be with him - to learn more about following Christ. He was intentional and generous in time and resources.
Since graduation, he has continued to be involved in ministry. He is involved in the local church, assists with a youth group, occasionally meets with the pastor. He continues to connect with his core community from college. He has developed new communities - a couple new roommates, new church friends and people from work. He is active in community sports - as a way to recreate as well as to be involved in the world (building relationships for the Gospel).
Yet there is a difference in his, I can't think of the right word or concept here, focus, maybe, satisfaction - hmm! I'm at a loss... At any rate he is not as satisfied in his efforts at spiritual growth as he was in college. Things happened so much faster in college and the buzz surrounding an activity generated so fast on campus. Also, the pool was smaller - the focus was on the 1 sq. mile that is W&M. Now, in the marketplace, he deals with an area about 50 sq. miles. Also rather than an age span of 18-25 years old he now deals with a spread of 23-50 years old. It's not that the ministry he is doing is any less significant, but it seems like a whole lot harder to detect growth or movement.
As for the senior, he is at the other end of the ministry spectrum. On campus much of the significant work revolves around his community. Every day he is in significant discussions/ Bible studies on the things of God. He has the disposable time and the core relationships to facilitate this discussion. But his apprehensions are related to what is the next step in his life. Is it the ministry, the marketplace, the mission field or more education? And how will he grow spiritually when he makes this transition? The easy answer is whatever the destination the Lord in His faithfulness will take him on a much different path. It could be harder or easier. But there is no place in God's kingdom for encores. This time, in college is used as preparation for whatever the next step is.
I have thoughts about how the Church is not ready for the onslaught of new graduates - yet the new graduates are ready and energetic enough to take on the church. I'll reserve these thoughts for a later post.
So what did I offer these 2 men, Ugh, I think I failed miserably in my advice, although I think I listened well. What would I say if I could recapture the moment?
1) Go to the place where you can grow in dependence on God the most.
2) Read the Word, every day. It is a lost discipline.
3) Be intentional about relationships - old friends as well as new ones.
4) Find a Barnabas, find a Timothy.
5) Pray without ceasing.
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