This question was asked on a Staff day of Spiritual Retreat. It was hard to answer. I guess I do not usually talk to my soul. But I thought it was worth a shot.
So Soul... What do you say? How'm I doin?
Well Marty, there is some good news and some bad news.
First the bad news... You have a lot of room for improvement before these earthly days are over. You are making some headway, but you are still trying to direct me (Marty's soul) through your day to day events - especially the difficult ones. For some reason you are convinced that you know better about running your life than the One who saved you does. I'm serious! You are constantly telling Him about how you need this and help with that. And if it wasn't for this circumstance, then life (for you) would be so much better. But He already knows what is best for you. He has already gone over it in His mind (the Mind of God, get it?). So part of your life needs to help you re-establish connection with my (Marty's soul) work with the Holy One to guide & protect you. Be patient dear one, We are at work bringing you into full glory! So that when these earthly days are over, you will be prepared to walk from this Kingdom living into His Kingdom Glory!
Now the good news, You have begun to learn to talk with Him. We have been doing it together. I know it is hard and different. --- do you remember when you were learning to play racquetball, how weird it felt in all ways. You couldn't turn your arm right. You couldn't run right. You had hand-eye coordination problems. But eventually you got it - you even had that wicked Z-serve, one inch off the floor in the left front wall about 90% 0f the time! --- That is what this new prayer time is all about. Keep at it: Pray His words back to Him. Set apart a bit of time just to listen to His Voice (remember you have to 1st empty your mind of that schedule thing and that To Do list thing, that's what the 3X5 card is for). Oh also, don't forget to read the prayers of the 'older men'. Remember I am going to teach you that there is a way to talk to God that is even sweeter than that Z-Serve!
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