I just finished reading _Find Your Strongest Life_ by Marcus Buckingham. He is such a fascinating author. I am always intrigued by his content. Although this is a variation on a theme of his other books - 'Build on Strengths, not Weaknesses' - it is unique in that it focuses on women, in many different stages of life. He offers helpful ideas on how to advance in light of a culture that has many expectations placed on the role of women. The book is divided into 3 parts that breakdown to an analysis of the current cultural situation: how to develop 'Your Strongest Life'; & practical ideas on how to develop considering a number of life circumstances.
Buckingham's newest book provides some insight to the complexity of today's culture. I felt that his ideas were not totally gender exclusive.The Test included with the text is helpful for men & women. It gave me good ideas on how to develop personally and some ideas on how to encourage women that I meet with and work with. I think every woman should read and know this content and take the Strong Life test.
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