So what was it for you? When did you first realize that the innocence was gone? Was it a particular event? Was it the terrorism attack of 9/11? Was it a divorce? Or a loss of a friend?
Think back to when you did not know any pain or brokenness? Maybe it was childhood memories of a Birthday Party or a trip to the Beach or a Fair or Busch Gardens? It was a time when 'All was right in the World'.
This summer, I had the opportunity to watch my nephew as a 7 year old, who is having some difficulties with a condition similar to autism. I also was able to observe his parents. Their love for James is incredible (of course), but to see how they adjust their life for James' care is a ministry for me. They take long bike rides. There is an incredible amount of treatment required, which they so willingly provide. But it is no exaggeration to say that James has changed their life. But back to James: He is the happiest little guy - He has no anxiety. He is Innocent. He plays and plays. Interacts with people, loves TV. He never realizes all of the care that his condition warrents - and so shall it be.
I remember for me the end of innocence: I was a sophomore in High School. Good Friends, Great community, all was right in the world. In Chem class, I had a friend. Not really a girlfriend, but a girl who I just kinda "played" with. Her name was Amy. She sat in front of me with curly hair - It was a "flirty" relationship, but no real depth. And actually we never spent any time together outside of class.
So on one evening after a football game I remember looking out on Parham Rd and seeing flashing lights like an ambulance - And I remember thinking what is that about. The next morning I discovered that Amy and her boyfriend had been in an accident and were killed. At the time it was a shock, but it did not become a reality until Monday morning when I was sitting in class and the stool was empty, I could see straight through to the front of the class. No one said anything (because we all knew). There was just an empty stool! The end of innocence.
It was the first time I realized that something was terribly wrong in the world. People died. Relationships fell apart. The parents of friends got divorced. Relatives got really sick and died. There were robberies, shootings, crimes and things were broken.
Why would God allow this? Couldn't He stop it? Couldn't He make the Drunk Driver drift to the right into the culvert rather than left into Amy's car.
I think it was God's intention for us to be in relationship to Him just as it was with Adam & Eve. There was only one law. Easy to obey. Yet we couldn't obey it. We were convinced that we could manage life without that relationship. We moved away - and I believe that is when the Universe lost its innocence.
Sin entered the world.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
well the world says...
"And in that moment I knew Success not greatness was the only god the entire world served." - Drew, Elizabethtown
Friday, October 27, 2006
Franklin Eugene McCain

The Greensboro 4 ,
I had a great opportunity to meet one of the 4 men who as freshmen at North Carolina A&T walked down to Woolworth's and sat at the lunch counter and stayed during serving hours for the next 5 months until they were served. It spoke to me about the power that a student or a community of students can yield. These were men of conviction who saw injustice and were willing and able to stand out for what their convictions convinced them of. They had a strong heart that allowed them to make bold moves. They had available time which allowed them to work out the sit-in around a student's schedule. They had a community of friends and supporters who would come and sit with them and for them when they just needed to be somewhere else, like class. They had the actual belief that what had always been done was wrong and that with a strong but humble voice they couls see change come.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The Cross of the Servant...
" As for the cross of the Servant, it is not strange to us. In that we stand with the mainstream of Christian faith from the beginning onward, and we do well to do so. We enthrone that crucified Saviour in stained glass, wood and stone - and in doctrine. To that cross we look for salvation. But we want not that cross at all.
Indeed, we would have it the chief business of religion to keep crosses far away. We want a Christ who suffers that we may not have to, a Christ who lays himself down that our comfort may be undisturbed. The call to lose life that it may be found again, to take up the cross and follow, remains mysterious and offensive to us.
To be sure, we labor to bring men to Christ, and we pray, "Thy kingdom come." But our labor we see as a labor of conquest and growth, successful programs and dollars. Can it be that we are seeking to build the Kingdom of the Servant - without following the Servant? If we do so, we will doubtless build a great church - but will it have anything to do with the Kingdom of God?"
~~John Bright, _The Kingdom of God_ p. 154
Indeed, we would have it the chief business of religion to keep crosses far away. We want a Christ who suffers that we may not have to, a Christ who lays himself down that our comfort may be undisturbed. The call to lose life that it may be found again, to take up the cross and follow, remains mysterious and offensive to us.
To be sure, we labor to bring men to Christ, and we pray, "Thy kingdom come." But our labor we see as a labor of conquest and growth, successful programs and dollars. Can it be that we are seeking to build the Kingdom of the Servant - without following the Servant? If we do so, we will doubtless build a great church - but will it have anything to do with the Kingdom of God?"
~~John Bright, _The Kingdom of God_ p. 154
Friday, July 21, 2006
What are the top 6 questions students are asking?
One of my summer projects was to draft a curriculum to use as the base of a seminar that could be offered to new students (and old if they were interested) about some of the fundamental issuews facing students on campus. Well it is now on the thin side of summer break - and I haven't thought about it yet.
So what are these issues or questions?
What about science and faith?
What about evil & suffering?
Is the Bible authoritative today?
The question of syncretism... Are there many ways to God? Aren't all religions basically the same?
So what are these issues or questions?
What about science and faith?
What about evil & suffering?
Is the Bible authoritative today?
The question of syncretism... Are there many ways to God? Aren't all religions basically the same?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
La Vida Cruciform
What if I really began to live my life everyday shaped by the cross of Jesus?
Would behaviors change?
What would I add to my life, and what would I take away?
Jesus spent every day of His 30plus years focused on one goal. That is, He was moving towards the cross. He knew it. He knew why.
When he ate with the tax collector - He did it shaped by the cross.
When he got down on the same level as the woman caught in adultery - He was shaped by the cross.
When he called the disciples - having pre-knowledge about them - He was shaped by the cross!
When He was teaching and loving those 12 men in John 17 - He was shaped by the cross.
When Jesus came along side those 2 disciples on the way to Emmaus in Luke 24 - He was shaped by the cross.
To determine what it means to be cruciform today think about what Jesus did in any given situation and then think about what you would do or how you would handle it. That will show you the difference.
When you can genuinely do things the same way as Jesus, and have motives that are not linked to what others may think about you - that is cruciform. When you stop asking Why or saying: "Not now Lord!" then you're beginning to life life cruciform...
** (thurs am:) As I reread this post I realized that last 2 paragraphs sounded a lot like "What Would Jesus Do" and with full apologies to Charles Shedd, that's not exactly what I meant. I think what I meant was - it's like an apprentice in the presence of the master craftsmen. It's not just changing behavior. It's allowing the craftsmen to guide and direct the apprentice to learn the skill with his guiding hands and words. It's not just doing religion "martyform" but it is thinking abt ALL I do cruciform - shaped by the Cross.
Would behaviors change?
What would I add to my life, and what would I take away?
Jesus spent every day of His 30plus years focused on one goal. That is, He was moving towards the cross. He knew it. He knew why.
When he ate with the tax collector - He did it shaped by the cross.
When he got down on the same level as the woman caught in adultery - He was shaped by the cross.
When he called the disciples - having pre-knowledge about them - He was shaped by the cross!
When He was teaching and loving those 12 men in John 17 - He was shaped by the cross.
When Jesus came along side those 2 disciples on the way to Emmaus in Luke 24 - He was shaped by the cross.
To determine what it means to be cruciform today think about what Jesus did in any given situation and then think about what you would do or how you would handle it. That will show you the difference.
When you can genuinely do things the same way as Jesus, and have motives that are not linked to what others may think about you - that is cruciform. When you stop asking Why or saying: "Not now Lord!" then you're beginning to life life cruciform...
** (thurs am:) As I reread this post I realized that last 2 paragraphs sounded a lot like "What Would Jesus Do" and with full apologies to Charles Shedd, that's not exactly what I meant. I think what I meant was - it's like an apprentice in the presence of the master craftsmen. It's not just changing behavior. It's allowing the craftsmen to guide and direct the apprentice to learn the skill with his guiding hands and words. It's not just doing religion "martyform" but it is thinking abt ALL I do cruciform - shaped by the Cross.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
OK, so I've learned a new word. Cruciform. says: Cru-ci-form(krs-fôrm)
adj. Shaped like a cross;
To put this adjective in front of anything makes it take on incredible meaning: cruciform church, cruciform evangelism, cruciform preaching...
I'm not sure about words not related to kingdom work, cruciform breakfast, cruciform car repair, but for eccleiastical words - WOW! it has incredible impact.
Do I approach my discipleship, shaped like the cross? Am I an evangelist, shaped by the cross? Is my church - shaped like the cross.
So what is the other side? Isn't the church still the church even if I don't say CRUCIFORM? I think what it does, at least for me, is it puts a renewed focus on what the subject is all about. Sometimes if I'm in discipleship mode - it can really be all about me. But if my discipleship is cruciform then it means that I've gotta get out of the way. It's all about Him.
adj. Shaped like a cross;
To put this adjective in front of anything makes it take on incredible meaning: cruciform church, cruciform evangelism, cruciform preaching...
I'm not sure about words not related to kingdom work, cruciform breakfast, cruciform car repair, but for eccleiastical words - WOW! it has incredible impact.
Do I approach my discipleship, shaped like the cross? Am I an evangelist, shaped by the cross? Is my church - shaped like the cross.
So what is the other side? Isn't the church still the church even if I don't say CRUCIFORM? I think what it does, at least for me, is it puts a renewed focus on what the subject is all about. Sometimes if I'm in discipleship mode - it can really be all about me. But if my discipleship is cruciform then it means that I've gotta get out of the way. It's all about Him.
Monday, July 17, 2006
and SO the Old Testament.... yea what was I thinkin'
In this summer when I am putting some work into spiritual formation and spiritual direction, I decided to take a class in Old Testament Theology. I'm in Charlottesville, taking a 1 week intensive at the C'ville Christian Study Center. I'm trusting in the midst of this that the Holy Spirit will somehow translate OT theology to Spiritual Formation stuff.
In class last night, we spent 3 hours in Genesis 1-3. And I learned that because of issues related to the Fall, "Life is Upside Down (inversion) and Inside Out (expulsion)." In other words things are incredibly messed up! God's design was for us (humans) to be vice-regents (with Him) over the earth. We were designed to worship Him and rule the world. Positionally, it was to be God, us, animals; but in the fall - humans took orders from the serpant (animals) and disobeyed God. We flipped the order from God -> Human -> Animals TO Animals -> Humans -> God. Then while we were supposed to be in the Garden - because of our disobedience we were kicked out (expelled) from the Garden.
Now hasn't it been that way ever since? I find myself so controlled by the earth and not really having dominion over it. I'm concerned about the weather everyday (maybe too much so). I fear the wind (hurricanes). I jump when a dog barks. When I'm working in the yard I'm looking for snakes. And really I'm not a fearful guy! ALSO: It's hard work for me to worship God - but easy for me to worship about everything else that crosses my mind or eye. I know how it's supposed to be. I know I want to worship God and rule the world, but the disobedience problem still gets in the way.
Well it's gotta be about Jesus, I am reminded (as I read Genesis) of Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus is the answer He is the ruler who shows us in his humanity how to rule and in His divinity how to be worshipped.
Philippians 2:5-11 --
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Now that is a perspective I can understand: Paul also says: "Copy me as I copy Christ."
In class last night, we spent 3 hours in Genesis 1-3. And I learned that because of issues related to the Fall, "Life is Upside Down (inversion) and Inside Out (expulsion)." In other words things are incredibly messed up! God's design was for us (humans) to be vice-regents (with Him) over the earth. We were designed to worship Him and rule the world. Positionally, it was to be God, us, animals; but in the fall - humans took orders from the serpant (animals) and disobeyed God. We flipped the order from God -> Human -> Animals TO Animals -> Humans -> God. Then while we were supposed to be in the Garden - because of our disobedience we were kicked out (expelled) from the Garden.
Now hasn't it been that way ever since? I find myself so controlled by the earth and not really having dominion over it. I'm concerned about the weather everyday (maybe too much so). I fear the wind (hurricanes). I jump when a dog barks. When I'm working in the yard I'm looking for snakes. And really I'm not a fearful guy! ALSO: It's hard work for me to worship God - but easy for me to worship about everything else that crosses my mind or eye. I know how it's supposed to be. I know I want to worship God and rule the world, but the disobedience problem still gets in the way.
Well it's gotta be about Jesus, I am reminded (as I read Genesis) of Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus is the answer He is the ruler who shows us in his humanity how to rule and in His divinity how to be worshipped.
Philippians 2:5-11 --
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Now that is a perspective I can understand: Paul also says: "Copy me as I copy Christ."
Friday, July 14, 2006
Discipling Part 2
Am I approaching this all too simply?
In a conversation this AM, I said: "There is a great need for men to "disciple" men." In reply, a friend said, "Discipleship is really hard!".
As you can probably imagine, my quick reply was: "Oh, it is not. It is very easy if you can just take a little initiative, then you can disciple." The conversation got kindof intense at this point. As the talk ensued we really embarked on the 2 primary tracks of discipling, Curriculum and Process.
His reply to me was: "Discipling is more than just hanging out with another man. It is intentionally helping him grow in:
1) Assurance of salvation
2) Daily study of the Word
3) Articulating the whole Gospel to a seeker.
4) Learning to forgive and offer forgiveness.
5) Being in a church, a small group and regular fellowship.
6) Talking to God regularly. (prayer).
Most men do not have the knowledge or the resources to be able to train another man in these areas. They really just have the time to spend daily time in the Word themselves and try to raise their families in a Godly way."
OK, I was pretty upset at this point!
I cannot take exception with these points. I really believe them! I actually kindof use these "topics" in my discipling. It is the classic Curriculum model of discipling. But my struggle is the attitude of how we need to be prepared in order to disciple (or evangelize, or share a testimony or whatever). And we are so "busy" or whatever that we cannot take the initiative. I would contend - like riding a bike - once we start doing it we get better & better!
Am I totally naive here?
Of course discipling is more than getting together and talking about the World Cup (which we men tend to do). But I am convinced, as I meet with another guy, talk about sports, then family, then work, then 'How I(we) have seen God at work in my(our) life this week' then we are "discipling". Or maybe we can talk about how the sermon on temptation on Sunday really helped me in my personal struggles this week.
So for me Discipling is less about agenda and curriculum and more about taking initiative, getting to know another believer and sharing the big picture of what God is doing in us and around us. It's a process of helping another believer learn to grow closer to Christ.
In a conversation this AM, I said: "There is a great need for men to "disciple" men." In reply, a friend said, "Discipleship is really hard!".
As you can probably imagine, my quick reply was: "Oh, it is not. It is very easy if you can just take a little initiative, then you can disciple." The conversation got kindof intense at this point. As the talk ensued we really embarked on the 2 primary tracks of discipling, Curriculum and Process.
His reply to me was: "Discipling is more than just hanging out with another man. It is intentionally helping him grow in:
1) Assurance of salvation
2) Daily study of the Word
3) Articulating the whole Gospel to a seeker.
4) Learning to forgive and offer forgiveness.
5) Being in a church, a small group and regular fellowship.
6) Talking to God regularly. (prayer).
Most men do not have the knowledge or the resources to be able to train another man in these areas. They really just have the time to spend daily time in the Word themselves and try to raise their families in a Godly way."
OK, I was pretty upset at this point!
I cannot take exception with these points. I really believe them! I actually kindof use these "topics" in my discipling. It is the classic Curriculum model of discipling. But my struggle is the attitude of how we need to be prepared in order to disciple (or evangelize, or share a testimony or whatever). And we are so "busy" or whatever that we cannot take the initiative. I would contend - like riding a bike - once we start doing it we get better & better!
Am I totally naive here?
Of course discipling is more than getting together and talking about the World Cup (which we men tend to do). But I am convinced, as I meet with another guy, talk about sports, then family, then work, then 'How I(we) have seen God at work in my(our) life this week' then we are "discipling". Or maybe we can talk about how the sermon on temptation on Sunday really helped me in my personal struggles this week.
So for me Discipling is less about agenda and curriculum and more about taking initiative, getting to know another believer and sharing the big picture of what God is doing in us and around us. It's a process of helping another believer learn to grow closer to Christ.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Fish & Chips in Jack's seat

One of my favorite memories of the London trip was the day in Oxford. Eventhough it was the rainiest day, just being in the midst of the Oxford colleges and especially being able to learn about C.S. Lewis, see his house, hear the stories and walk the streets he walked was quite a joy. .
My good friend Doug Gresham helped me arrange a tour of the Kilns. We were accommodated by Tom Ward, a resident of the manse who provided an excellent synopsis of Jack's life before and after Joy came into his life. He showed us all the rooms and talked about the restoration and the conversion into a complete study center.
I was quite elated to be in the Kilns, to see the chair, the pipe and the typewriter of this man who has contributed so much to evangelical Christianity. Hmm! maybe my next job will be to be the Kilns Curator or at least a good sabbatical
The evening finished with a visit to The Eagle & The Child (aka: 'the bird & the baby') where we commandeered the seats where the Inklings sat and discussed so much theology, crafted their books & publications and even evangelized seekers. The picture is of Carolyn & Tripp sitting in Jack's seat in the corner by the fireplace.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Discipleship or Discipling?
A colleague asked me recently, "Tell me what you do when you train your students in discipleship."
Well I kinda laughed to myself, because I tend to think of everything I do as training in discipleship, so how could I succinctly tell her how I do 'everything that I do'. My whole focus of ministry is on helping people go one step closer to Christ, or becoming more like Jesus everyday - whatever it takes.
First of all let's get one thing out of the way. For so many years there has been this confusion between discipleship & discipling or disciple-making. So some quick definitions:
Disciple - noun, personal, a person who is a follower of Jesus Christ. Technically it is just a pupil of a teacher, but it has come to be specific of Jesus as the teacher.
Discipleship - a noun actually talking about taking on characteristics of being more like Jesus Christ. Being more of a servant, or more of a healer or showing love to those without love, etc.
Discipling - a verb describing more of learning to be a disciple often involving another older/more mature disciple. Also an adjective defining a relationship between 2 disciples.
Disciple-making - a noun describing the intentional practice of helping a new or young believer become more like Jesus.
All seems a bit confusing doesn't it? Or if you are used to the terms they can be 'christianese' to keep others out of the lingo-circle.
So it seems like there is a movement to find new words to say this same thing in a better more coherent way. The current terms are Spiritual Formation or Spiritual Direction. There are tons of new books and periodicals helping us on the journey of spiritual formation. I can also consult a spiritual director (peer, lay or professional) to help me in my spiritual formation.
But how did I answer my colleague:
"I mostly do it on the fly depending on what I'm reading, thinking about etc.
For instance last year I used about 5 chapters from Donald Miller's books (_Blue Like Jazz_ & _Searching for God Knows What_.
Two years ago I did some Marcus Buckingham stuff
All of this is seasoned with a lot of "Barnabas", etc
Some basics though:
_Master Plan of Evangelism_, Coleman
_Soul Talk_, Crabb
_In The Name of Jesus_, Nouwen
_Working the Angles_, Peterson
One key is to help the student leaders define "What is a disciple of Christ?" or "What does it mean to be a Christ-follower @ your campus today?" (from their perspective, hopefully you will have tons of different ones)
that concept then frames what becomes their curriculum.
So it is...
Well I kinda laughed to myself, because I tend to think of everything I do as training in discipleship, so how could I succinctly tell her how I do 'everything that I do'. My whole focus of ministry is on helping people go one step closer to Christ, or becoming more like Jesus everyday - whatever it takes.
First of all let's get one thing out of the way. For so many years there has been this confusion between discipleship & discipling or disciple-making. So some quick definitions:
Disciple - noun, personal, a person who is a follower of Jesus Christ. Technically it is just a pupil of a teacher, but it has come to be specific of Jesus as the teacher.
Discipleship - a noun actually talking about taking on characteristics of being more like Jesus Christ. Being more of a servant, or more of a healer or showing love to those without love, etc.
Discipling - a verb describing more of learning to be a disciple often involving another older/more mature disciple. Also an adjective defining a relationship between 2 disciples.
Disciple-making - a noun describing the intentional practice of helping a new or young believer become more like Jesus.
All seems a bit confusing doesn't it? Or if you are used to the terms they can be 'christianese' to keep others out of the lingo-circle.
So it seems like there is a movement to find new words to say this same thing in a better more coherent way. The current terms are Spiritual Formation or Spiritual Direction. There are tons of new books and periodicals helping us on the journey of spiritual formation. I can also consult a spiritual director (peer, lay or professional) to help me in my spiritual formation.
But how did I answer my colleague:
"I mostly do it on the fly depending on what I'm reading, thinking about etc.
For instance last year I used about 5 chapters from Donald Miller's books (_Blue Like Jazz_ & _Searching for God Knows What_.
Two years ago I did some Marcus Buckingham stuff
All of this is seasoned with a lot of "Barnabas", etc
Some basics though:
_Master Plan of Evangelism_, Coleman
_Soul Talk_, Crabb
_In The Name of Jesus_, Nouwen
_Working the Angles_, Peterson
One key is to help the student leaders define "What is a disciple of Christ?" or "What does it mean to be a Christ-follower @ your campus today?" (from their perspective, hopefully you will have tons of different ones)
that concept then frames what becomes their curriculum.
So it is...
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Kingdom principle in action
On a post I made on June 6, "Love & Anger Part 1" I wrote about how Christians deal with (or don't deal with) anger and conflict between them. And I guess I am in the midst of one of those right now, personally - and I don't want to deal with it. Rather even though I described how to Agape someone through a conflict, I'd rather just sweep it under the rug.
My justification is I didn't do anything wrong - as far as I can tell. The easiest scenario is that there were several misunderstandings between 2 brothers in Christ. And then a lot of passive aggressive behavior. There was no direct conflict, but whatever I did (the misunderstandings) really caused my friend to "tailspin". Eventhough we were in a group together - there was no more communication between us. When I'd come into a room he'd move to the other side. I know, It's kinda 4th grade isn't it?
So what were the "misunderstandings"? First, on a particular night, I went on the beach for a walk by myself (I guess I should have invited him). Second, we had talked about doing a special meal together, I priced and ordered the food - because I couldn't find him. Third, I invited a 3rd family to our meal, without telling him first. That was it, as far as I can tell.
It looks like we are going to leave this place unreconciled. He has not spoken to me in 3 days. I feel like I did nothing wrong. To go to him and do the steps I talked about would admit I was wrong.
Hmm! quite a dilemna? Thanks Lord for making me the illustration in my own story.
To be continued....
My justification is I didn't do anything wrong - as far as I can tell. The easiest scenario is that there were several misunderstandings between 2 brothers in Christ. And then a lot of passive aggressive behavior. There was no direct conflict, but whatever I did (the misunderstandings) really caused my friend to "tailspin". Eventhough we were in a group together - there was no more communication between us. When I'd come into a room he'd move to the other side. I know, It's kinda 4th grade isn't it?
So what were the "misunderstandings"? First, on a particular night, I went on the beach for a walk by myself (I guess I should have invited him). Second, we had talked about doing a special meal together, I priced and ordered the food - because I couldn't find him. Third, I invited a 3rd family to our meal, without telling him first. That was it, as far as I can tell.
It looks like we are going to leave this place unreconciled. He has not spoken to me in 3 days. I feel like I did nothing wrong. To go to him and do the steps I talked about would admit I was wrong.
Hmm! quite a dilemna? Thanks Lord for making me the illustration in my own story.
To be continued....
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Seen and Testify...
I John 4:14 "And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world."
WOW what a vantage point John the Apostle has... And all of the other apostles. He is able to say that he has SEEN and TESTIFY to the life of Jesus Christ. It is not just some trumped up vision. The testimony to the presence of Christ can be verified by a number of men all within the same generation. And their writings were well broadcast so that the credibility of the message or the writer would have been denied before the 1st century Gnostics got at them.
Not only has he seen Jesus Christ, but he knows the spiritual ramifications that the presence of Christ began. He was sent by the father to the savior of the world. So it is both the physical presence of the living Christ and the spiritual salvation of his ultimate purpose.
Just for a thought: Wouldn't it have been incredible if we were able to be in the physical presence of Christ? To see Him walk with his disciples or heal the broken that came to Him, or do battle with the religious leaders would give us a completely different take on who He is.
Now, we can see, feel & experience the presence of Christ through the on-going presence of the Holy Spirit (and that is enough for me). I have no doubt as to the authencity of what He did & came to do and the fact that He did it. But just to dispel the scoffers- if there had just been a DVD of that day or some other physical record. I guess that is why there was such an emphasis by the early church fathers to find and preserve the relics. But a public identifiable record of his work! There would still be scoffers of course - but for many more of us His presence would be authenticated and His name would be glorified!!
WOW what a vantage point John the Apostle has... And all of the other apostles. He is able to say that he has SEEN and TESTIFY to the life of Jesus Christ. It is not just some trumped up vision. The testimony to the presence of Christ can be verified by a number of men all within the same generation. And their writings were well broadcast so that the credibility of the message or the writer would have been denied before the 1st century Gnostics got at them.
Not only has he seen Jesus Christ, but he knows the spiritual ramifications that the presence of Christ began. He was sent by the father to the savior of the world. So it is both the physical presence of the living Christ and the spiritual salvation of his ultimate purpose.
Just for a thought: Wouldn't it have been incredible if we were able to be in the physical presence of Christ? To see Him walk with his disciples or heal the broken that came to Him, or do battle with the religious leaders would give us a completely different take on who He is.
Now, we can see, feel & experience the presence of Christ through the on-going presence of the Holy Spirit (and that is enough for me). I have no doubt as to the authencity of what He did & came to do and the fact that He did it. But just to dispel the scoffers- if there had just been a DVD of that day or some other physical record. I guess that is why there was such an emphasis by the early church fathers to find and preserve the relics. But a public identifiable record of his work! There would still be scoffers of course - but for many more of us His presence would be authenticated and His name would be glorified!!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Hmm! relationships...
There is perhaps too much talk anyway on this subject. Toby Keith says: "Too much talk, not enough action." OK, forget I wrote that. But in a conversation yesterday with a dad of 2 in college & one grad. He asked the question, "None of my kids are in significant relationships now, even the 23 year old, should I be worried?" I tried to not let my laugh be noticed.
That he should be worried about this situation is funny enough. I know parents are directly connected to the health and well-being of their offspring for the rest of their lives. I mean my mom was, up until her last day on earth. But worry is not going to help, either is a personal lecture (as parents are want to do). There are many reasons for his concern: his personal satisfaction of having a "full quiver" for several generations (grandkids), his concern that his kids are happy through marriage, perhaps, it seems normal to be married, and his concern that he wants his kids to get on with their life.
Well he asked for my advice, so I complied. I said: first, I believe the philosophy delivered by I Kissed Dating Goodbye has done more to hurt development of relationships than any thing else I know of. The reason is not that anything the book or philosophy talks about is harmful. It is actually Biblical. Maybe it some small communities the philosophy works. It's just that, IMHO, some of the stated expectations are unrealistic. In the current college situation it is too hard to think in terms of building family relationships when the guy's home might be in Florida and the girl's might be New Mexico. And the implied situation is that all parents and kids are from Godly backgrounds. I find that rare at a secular school. So within a reasonable time frame I believe it is completely legit to get to know someone and gradually move into their world as God continues to affirm the time together.
Second, I believe that non-Christian guys just know how to "date" better than we Christians do. Eventhough their motives might not be pure, you can at least say they know what they are doing. They, non-christian guys I'm talking about, know how to "court" better than we do. They flirt, tease, pursue. While so many times we stand back because we want to "guard their hearts" or maybe it is out of fear. I would propose that we begin to treat women like women and men like men. Understanding that knowing the differences between us (gender-wise)will help in oh s omany issues, not the least of which is marriage.
Third, I believe that Christians tend to be afraid of pursuing a relationship for fear that it "might not be the one". The proverbial Guidance of God issue. Now don't let me diminish the role of God's WIll. I definitely believe in it! And it has definitely worked for me - after all Carolyn is the one (all 28 years of it)! And I knew it was true at the right time, but not at the beginning of the relationship. Of course there is "The One" but we aren't going to know who that is until we invest in some healthy relationships.
That he should be worried about this situation is funny enough. I know parents are directly connected to the health and well-being of their offspring for the rest of their lives. I mean my mom was, up until her last day on earth. But worry is not going to help, either is a personal lecture (as parents are want to do). There are many reasons for his concern: his personal satisfaction of having a "full quiver" for several generations (grandkids), his concern that his kids are happy through marriage, perhaps, it seems normal to be married, and his concern that he wants his kids to get on with their life.
Well he asked for my advice, so I complied. I said: first, I believe the philosophy delivered by I Kissed Dating Goodbye has done more to hurt development of relationships than any thing else I know of. The reason is not that anything the book or philosophy talks about is harmful. It is actually Biblical. Maybe it some small communities the philosophy works. It's just that, IMHO, some of the stated expectations are unrealistic. In the current college situation it is too hard to think in terms of building family relationships when the guy's home might be in Florida and the girl's might be New Mexico. And the implied situation is that all parents and kids are from Godly backgrounds. I find that rare at a secular school. So within a reasonable time frame I believe it is completely legit to get to know someone and gradually move into their world as God continues to affirm the time together.
Second, I believe that non-Christian guys just know how to "date" better than we Christians do. Eventhough their motives might not be pure, you can at least say they know what they are doing. They, non-christian guys I'm talking about, know how to "court" better than we do. They flirt, tease, pursue. While so many times we stand back because we want to "guard their hearts" or maybe it is out of fear. I would propose that we begin to treat women like women and men like men. Understanding that knowing the differences between us (gender-wise)will help in oh s omany issues, not the least of which is marriage.
Third, I believe that Christians tend to be afraid of pursuing a relationship for fear that it "might not be the one". The proverbial Guidance of God issue. Now don't let me diminish the role of God's WIll. I definitely believe in it! And it has definitely worked for me - after all Carolyn is the one (all 28 years of it)! And I knew it was true at the right time, but not at the beginning of the relationship. Of course there is "The One" but we aren't going to know who that is until we invest in some healthy relationships.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
2 days worth...
I can't even begin to complete the thoughts I've had in the last couple days. Let me just lay them out and maybe I can come back to them and write them out later. A great conversation last night about philosophy of ministry with a professor, who is a former student of mine and simplistic faith and how to bring true faith into the marketplace of ideas. Also, at the same gathering, a conversation with a retired businessman about how he has seen God lead him through success & failure to faith and dependence
Then today manning the Father's Day tables (book give away) at Chapel - all 3 services. I had a conversation from a new believer about divorce and how to agape/forgive/tolerate an unloving ex-spouse. Another conversation about a sexually abusive step-father and Godly healing. And another one on how to love an ungodly spouse. Several conversations about an "empty nest"
Then today manning the Father's Day tables (book give away) at Chapel - all 3 services. I had a conversation from a new believer about divorce and how to agape/forgive/tolerate an unloving ex-spouse. Another conversation about a sexually abusive step-father and Godly healing. And another one on how to love an ungodly spouse. Several conversations about an "empty nest"
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Largest Church in America
Last night on Nightline - a show that I do not watch very much, they were featuring Lakewood Church & Joel Osteen. Lakewood is reportedly the largest church in America. 40,000 people in Sunday attendance (is that at one service?) and Mr Osteen said they would probably outgrow their current facility, which is the former arena for the Houston Rockets.
I do not know very much about him or the church, except that his book is front & center in every Borders or Books-A-Million I go in. But last night he was saying that he wants to present a message of hope & encouragement. All is positive, He said that not everyone has to be rich, but all of us need to receive goodness from God.
When asked why there was not a cross visible in the church, although he dodged the question a bit, he seemed to imply that it is more important to think about the person of Christ and how the Holy Spirit works in the world (thus a globe is at the center of the staging area).
I do not know very much about him or the church, except that his book is front & center in every Borders or Books-A-Million I go in. But last night he was saying that he wants to present a message of hope & encouragement. All is positive, He said that not everyone has to be rich, but all of us need to receive goodness from God.
When asked why there was not a cross visible in the church, although he dodged the question a bit, he seemed to imply that it is more important to think about the person of Christ and how the Holy Spirit works in the world (thus a globe is at the center of the staging area).
Friday, June 16, 2006
Evil & Suffering
Is this really the #1 question people have about faith in God? (Why would a just God allow so much Evil & Suffering in the world?) Well so I am told.
I believe the world does not see a distinction between evil & suffering. Evil, could it be simplified to mean an intent to harm another? And suffering, is pain and brokenness caused by something not being right (an illness, a natural disaster, a circumstance gone wrong, etc.). But today many would say suffering is what is evil. Is that right? We try to do everything possible to avoid suffering. We try to avoid risk. Don't you love the screwdrivers at Lowe's or Home Depot, that say "FAILURE TO USE GOGGLES WHILE USING THIS TOOL COULD CAUSE DAMAGE TO LIFE AND LIMB." I mean perhaps, but it almost becomes a psychological disadvantage to read the warning. I end up thinking the whole time I'm using it to tighten the bolts in the Kitchen: 'Oh, I wish I had bought some goggles.'; then the screwdriver slips off, gouging a bit of skin off my knee - and I start to wonder if I'm gonna lose a limb.
One of my mentors, Dick Woodward, suffers more than I (we) can imagine. Pain comes to him - daily, hourly, moment by moment. Yet, he is stronger in Christ as a result of his disability than if he had not had it, because as he is weakened he has had to learn to be more dependent on God. He feels like the disease (a degenerative spine condition) has allowed him to concentrate and focus more on ministry and Bible Study and translation than if he had remained in the pulpit these last 15 years. For Dick the suffering is not evil, it is mobilizing. Instead of reaching a congregation of less than 1,000. He reaches nations, coming close to a billion listeners all from a paralyzed man in Williamsburg Virginia. And he still is able to meet and preach to many who come to his door.
Don't get me wrong, I am not looking forward to suffering of any kind. I get scared when I'm stung by a bee, or if my airplane hits some turbulence, or if my skin is gouged by an erratic screwdriver. But I think we better be careful equating Evil and Suffering as one and the same.
Evil can cause suffering. There are forces of evil in the world seeking to do harm. The evil one is prowling like a lion looking for someone to devour. Evil forces unchecked can bring all sorts of trouble.
Can evil come from natural causes? We know that terrorism is evil and we can even define some of the sources. We can name them.
But what about systemic evil - poverty, racism, injustice. We can argue that this evil has a name too. It causes suffering.
But what about natural events: decay of a mind & body due to Alzheimer's or a rare respitorary disease that takes a person's life in days of being healthy or earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. What is the cause of this evil? Is the spiritual battle that rages inclusive of personal, nature & other humans?
Let's wrestle!
I believe the world does not see a distinction between evil & suffering. Evil, could it be simplified to mean an intent to harm another? And suffering, is pain and brokenness caused by something not being right (an illness, a natural disaster, a circumstance gone wrong, etc.). But today many would say suffering is what is evil. Is that right? We try to do everything possible to avoid suffering. We try to avoid risk. Don't you love the screwdrivers at Lowe's or Home Depot, that say "FAILURE TO USE GOGGLES WHILE USING THIS TOOL COULD CAUSE DAMAGE TO LIFE AND LIMB." I mean perhaps, but it almost becomes a psychological disadvantage to read the warning. I end up thinking the whole time I'm using it to tighten the bolts in the Kitchen: 'Oh, I wish I had bought some goggles.'; then the screwdriver slips off, gouging a bit of skin off my knee - and I start to wonder if I'm gonna lose a limb.
One of my mentors, Dick Woodward, suffers more than I (we) can imagine. Pain comes to him - daily, hourly, moment by moment. Yet, he is stronger in Christ as a result of his disability than if he had not had it, because as he is weakened he has had to learn to be more dependent on God. He feels like the disease (a degenerative spine condition) has allowed him to concentrate and focus more on ministry and Bible Study and translation than if he had remained in the pulpit these last 15 years. For Dick the suffering is not evil, it is mobilizing. Instead of reaching a congregation of less than 1,000. He reaches nations, coming close to a billion listeners all from a paralyzed man in Williamsburg Virginia. And he still is able to meet and preach to many who come to his door.
Don't get me wrong, I am not looking forward to suffering of any kind. I get scared when I'm stung by a bee, or if my airplane hits some turbulence, or if my skin is gouged by an erratic screwdriver. But I think we better be careful equating Evil and Suffering as one and the same.
Evil can cause suffering. There are forces of evil in the world seeking to do harm. The evil one is prowling like a lion looking for someone to devour. Evil forces unchecked can bring all sorts of trouble.
Can evil come from natural causes? We know that terrorism is evil and we can even define some of the sources. We can name them.
But what about systemic evil - poverty, racism, injustice. We can argue that this evil has a name too. It causes suffering.
But what about natural events: decay of a mind & body due to Alzheimer's or a rare respitorary disease that takes a person's life in days of being healthy or earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. What is the cause of this evil? Is the spiritual battle that rages inclusive of personal, nature & other humans?
Let's wrestle!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Summer Study Plan
Well I finally decided... What area of study I was going to work at this summer. I always like to focus on developing in a particular area to help "sharpen the cutters (or saw)" as it were. So much of my Fall and Spring is spent expending information and energy, that I need to re-group or re-coop in the Summer. I always think of the Henry Kissinger quote: 'When I got to the White House, I realized that I had to rely on the intellectual capital that I had already built up. I had no time to keep building, things were coming at me so fast all I could do was maintain.' (recited loosely here).
Several years ago, I chose "Women in Ministry" and read most of the (then) contemporary books related to this topic, studied the passages, talked to senior staff and several pastors, read current periodicals, learned the InterVarsity policy & position, etc. trying to get a solid understanding on this issue. It really helped me since I talk to so many young women during the year to know what the issues are. Plus I work with female colleagues and I want to understand what they have to deal with, and this can be such a contenscious issue in the Church today.
Then I chose "Public Speaking or Preaching". I took a homiletics class. I read some classic texts as well as some contemporary books. I listened to about 100 sermons from a plethora of preachers. I may even have learned to speak better, but I mostly learned that I am glad God gifted me more in the discipling area (personal preaching) rather than pulpit preaching.
On another occasion, I took the ML 530 class from Fuller Theological Seminary, Lifelong Leadership Development, It was based on Bobby Clinton's model of discipleship and figuring out how to use what God has given us. I studied: Joseph (of technicolor dreamcoat fame), Barnabas, Billy Graham and myself, among others. It's where the philosophy of ministry -I wanna be like Barnabas- came from.
Also I've studied "Leadership" from a management as well as a ministry perspective. I was able to read only some of the texts on this subject as they seem to be published mulplicitively. I learned that the greatest model of leadership from both paths is Servant Leadership. Also, some of the most provacative teaching on Leadership is coming out of the Christian community.
One year I studied Counseling, in order to help know how to deal with difficult circumstances with students. I took a class from the Christian Counselors Training Center, met weekly with the director. I wrote a paper on Guilt. I learned how to do basic Biblical problem solving and how to know when to refer.
On another summer I took a Sabbatical and talked to Christians around Europe: missionaries & business people, pastors & laymen. I learned about Catholicism, C.S. Lewis, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, post-Christian westerners. I read C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Susan Howatch among others. I spent countless hours with Doug Gresham (C.S. Lewis' stepson). But most of all that was the Summer I learned about a theology of GRACE. I would say the sabbatical brought a major paradigm shift to my work.
Last Summer, I studied "The Prophets". I read classic texts from Jewish & Christian backgrounds. I read all of the Prophets in the Bible. I took a class on the Minor Prophets. I saw men who were sold out for God in the midst of crazy life circumstances.
So what about the Summer of 2006? I am moving deeper into the subject of Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Formation. I believe I will read a number of current books, meet with several local Spiritual Directors and/or Pastors of Spirituality. I may even do some study on Soul-Types (using the personality types to help train & disciple). I will probably take a class on further Spiritual Direction.
Several years ago, I chose "Women in Ministry" and read most of the (then) contemporary books related to this topic, studied the passages, talked to senior staff and several pastors, read current periodicals, learned the InterVarsity policy & position, etc. trying to get a solid understanding on this issue. It really helped me since I talk to so many young women during the year to know what the issues are. Plus I work with female colleagues and I want to understand what they have to deal with, and this can be such a contenscious issue in the Church today.
Then I chose "Public Speaking or Preaching". I took a homiletics class. I read some classic texts as well as some contemporary books. I listened to about 100 sermons from a plethora of preachers. I may even have learned to speak better, but I mostly learned that I am glad God gifted me more in the discipling area (personal preaching) rather than pulpit preaching.
On another occasion, I took the ML 530 class from Fuller Theological Seminary, Lifelong Leadership Development, It was based on Bobby Clinton's model of discipleship and figuring out how to use what God has given us. I studied: Joseph (of technicolor dreamcoat fame), Barnabas, Billy Graham and myself, among others. It's where the philosophy of ministry -I wanna be like Barnabas- came from.
Also I've studied "Leadership" from a management as well as a ministry perspective. I was able to read only some of the texts on this subject as they seem to be published mulplicitively. I learned that the greatest model of leadership from both paths is Servant Leadership. Also, some of the most provacative teaching on Leadership is coming out of the Christian community.
One year I studied Counseling, in order to help know how to deal with difficult circumstances with students. I took a class from the Christian Counselors Training Center, met weekly with the director. I wrote a paper on Guilt. I learned how to do basic Biblical problem solving and how to know when to refer.
On another summer I took a Sabbatical and talked to Christians around Europe: missionaries & business people, pastors & laymen. I learned about Catholicism, C.S. Lewis, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, post-Christian westerners. I read C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Susan Howatch among others. I spent countless hours with Doug Gresham (C.S. Lewis' stepson). But most of all that was the Summer I learned about a theology of GRACE. I would say the sabbatical brought a major paradigm shift to my work.
Last Summer, I studied "The Prophets". I read classic texts from Jewish & Christian backgrounds. I read all of the Prophets in the Bible. I took a class on the Minor Prophets. I saw men who were sold out for God in the midst of crazy life circumstances.
So what about the Summer of 2006? I am moving deeper into the subject of Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Formation. I believe I will read a number of current books, meet with several local Spiritual Directors and/or Pastors of Spirituality. I may even do some study on Soul-Types (using the personality types to help train & disciple). I will probably take a class on further Spiritual Direction.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Love & Anger part 2
Now this topic is related to how we pass on a "bad report." OK let me define "bad report" - a bad report is a message that may or may not need to be passed on, but is frequently passed on so it looks like either appropriate information or gossip. It might sound like this: "We need to pray for 'SUZY' because she's falling away," and then this maybe followed by some description of how she's falling away.
When passing on a "bad report" in light of a church community or a fellowship group -it is frequently given some sort of sugar-coating - I guess the media or politicos might call this "SPIN". It's given a SPIN that makes everything look good up-front, but there is another story that is behind the scenes that only a few know about. Part of the 'game' becomes trying to find out the "real" story. This brings a kind of sickness & brokenness that stinks to the listener as well as the speaker.
I know these issues are difficult and we want to protect individual's feelings and help all understand that there is some information that does not / should not be disclosed. I think one thing that bugs me is - well the information really is being disclosed but just in a small elite circle.
So what can be done to give an appropriate spin (and honest and with integrity) to passing on a bad report?
1) To have the 2 opposing parties talk to a 3rd party. To get the issues and feelings out. In that discussion, there should be an openness to share what needs to be disclosed to the public and to individuals and everything else should be prayed about and discarded. This meeting can be as a whole group or in 3 or 4 parts.
2) There would not need to be a false sense of 'support', rather there is no need to make it look like this "bad report" is just another level of spirituality. If there is animosity between 2 brothers or sisters; or if there is a moral collapse; or if there is a theological disagreement then say as much as briefly and candidly as possible.
3) After the presentation is given then it becomes an issue of supporting this brother or sister to the highest level possible (the keyword is possible). In reference to Christian community, Bonhoeffer urges us to not ignore the sinning brother when he says "...Is not the sinning brother, still a brother?" As well, a mentor once said to me: "Make sure you always stand with people who stand for God - even in the midst of their brokenness and sin, that's when they will need you most."
4) It seems to me the issue is really related to the difference between "How We look, externally" or how we live, internally." Am I the 'white-washed tombs' that Jesus condemns or am I truly His from the inside-out?
5) Do not pass on a bad report to a 3rd party. Instead go directly to the offended source. In fact try to get the 2 parties together.
6) Working with sinful people is always messy. And as far as I can tell we are all sinful.
When passing on a "bad report" in light of a church community or a fellowship group -it is frequently given some sort of sugar-coating - I guess the media or politicos might call this "SPIN". It's given a SPIN that makes everything look good up-front, but there is another story that is behind the scenes that only a few know about. Part of the 'game' becomes trying to find out the "real" story. This brings a kind of sickness & brokenness that stinks to the listener as well as the speaker.
I know these issues are difficult and we want to protect individual's feelings and help all understand that there is some information that does not / should not be disclosed. I think one thing that bugs me is - well the information really is being disclosed but just in a small elite circle.
So what can be done to give an appropriate spin (and honest and with integrity) to passing on a bad report?
1) To have the 2 opposing parties talk to a 3rd party. To get the issues and feelings out. In that discussion, there should be an openness to share what needs to be disclosed to the public and to individuals and everything else should be prayed about and discarded. This meeting can be as a whole group or in 3 or 4 parts.
2) There would not need to be a false sense of 'support', rather there is no need to make it look like this "bad report" is just another level of spirituality. If there is animosity between 2 brothers or sisters; or if there is a moral collapse; or if there is a theological disagreement then say as much as briefly and candidly as possible.
3) After the presentation is given then it becomes an issue of supporting this brother or sister to the highest level possible (the keyword is possible). In reference to Christian community, Bonhoeffer urges us to not ignore the sinning brother when he says "...Is not the sinning brother, still a brother?" As well, a mentor once said to me: "Make sure you always stand with people who stand for God - even in the midst of their brokenness and sin, that's when they will need you most."
4) It seems to me the issue is really related to the difference between "How We look, externally" or how we live, internally." Am I the 'white-washed tombs' that Jesus condemns or am I truly His from the inside-out?
5) Do not pass on a bad report to a 3rd party. Instead go directly to the offended source. In fact try to get the 2 parties together.
6) Working with sinful people is always messy. And as far as I can tell we are all sinful.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Love & Anger part 1.
In a conversation recently, we were talking about - well actually it is 2 different topics but kindof related... One has to do with how Christians and/or the church communicates bad news. The other topic is how does the kingdom of God work when there is anger, resentment, bitterness et al, between at least 2 members.
Well let's jump in. If we believe 1 John, when he talks about Loving One Another as a sign of knowing that we love God. And specifically Chap 3, verse 12 - "Do not be like Cain who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous." Wait a minute! Cain & Abel had the same parents. They got the same theological up-bringing. So what happened to Cain? Why was he the one who sided with the evil one? Without looking too deeply at the nature of Cain's "gift", let's just look at the result. Cain & God had a conflict. Abel, the younger brother offered a sacrifice that pleased God. God gave Cain a reasonable warning and a way to redeem his error. But Cain HATED his brother and took out his anger on Him. Cain's offense was with God. Abel did nothing to displease Cain. Rather than reconciling to God - Cain hated & murdered Abel.
So what is that with us today? Well try this: There is brokenness in relationships between Christians all the time. Some are probably deserved, some are certainly not deserved. But if we believe 1st John - then we should be marked by the love we have for each other. John goes so far as to say that if we do not have Agape Love for our brothers & sisters then we probably do not know God in the first place (Eww! how harsh!). This agape has to supercede the anger and hatred.
How can I control that anger? That is the 'Sin that is crouching at the door'. Many times we use the "doormat" excuse as a way to justify the anger. We'll say: "I'm tired of being treated like a doormat." Many times that is just the rationalization that we offer. First of all I am so glad that Jesus did not have that attitude when the pharisees were building their case or the townspeople were flocking to be healed! Doug Holladay use to tell me: "Being a Christian is like being a deadman on furlough" That is my life is already spent (actually given over to God) anything that happens to me is just part of my furlough. I can't be a doormat, I'm already a sacrifice.
How can I be reconciled to my brother? Many times the 'flaw' is something that can't be talked about. It might be a personality trait or a naive behavior or an incorrect perception. It is easier to talk about the situation to others than it is to talk to the person. And because of anger (that creeps in) we say things that we regret, but repress. I must try to keep short accounts. When 'offended' I need to go to my brother and try to reconcile.
How can I love (agape) through that anger? If I hate someone this could lead to 'murder' (maybe just in character, but murder nonetheless). But if I purpose (with God's help) to Agape someone then this leads to sacrifice. I will sacrifice to love this person who I hate. Is that possible? NO of course not, but that is where God comes in. He wanted to help Cain deal with his anger, to present a worthy sacrifice and to live rightly.
I know of situations in the Christian community where Godly people have taken to bitter words to justify their positions at the expense of innocent people. And to be honest, sometimes those bitter words & thoughts are from me. Let this new Agape begin today!
Well let's jump in. If we believe 1 John, when he talks about Loving One Another as a sign of knowing that we love God. And specifically Chap 3, verse 12 - "Do not be like Cain who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous." Wait a minute! Cain & Abel had the same parents. They got the same theological up-bringing. So what happened to Cain? Why was he the one who sided with the evil one? Without looking too deeply at the nature of Cain's "gift", let's just look at the result. Cain & God had a conflict. Abel, the younger brother offered a sacrifice that pleased God. God gave Cain a reasonable warning and a way to redeem his error. But Cain HATED his brother and took out his anger on Him. Cain's offense was with God. Abel did nothing to displease Cain. Rather than reconciling to God - Cain hated & murdered Abel.
So what is that with us today? Well try this: There is brokenness in relationships between Christians all the time. Some are probably deserved, some are certainly not deserved. But if we believe 1st John - then we should be marked by the love we have for each other. John goes so far as to say that if we do not have Agape Love for our brothers & sisters then we probably do not know God in the first place (Eww! how harsh!). This agape has to supercede the anger and hatred.
How can I control that anger? That is the 'Sin that is crouching at the door'. Many times we use the "doormat" excuse as a way to justify the anger. We'll say: "I'm tired of being treated like a doormat." Many times that is just the rationalization that we offer. First of all I am so glad that Jesus did not have that attitude when the pharisees were building their case or the townspeople were flocking to be healed! Doug Holladay use to tell me: "Being a Christian is like being a deadman on furlough" That is my life is already spent (actually given over to God) anything that happens to me is just part of my furlough. I can't be a doormat, I'm already a sacrifice.
How can I be reconciled to my brother? Many times the 'flaw' is something that can't be talked about. It might be a personality trait or a naive behavior or an incorrect perception. It is easier to talk about the situation to others than it is to talk to the person. And because of anger (that creeps in) we say things that we regret, but repress. I must try to keep short accounts. When 'offended' I need to go to my brother and try to reconcile.
How can I love (agape) through that anger? If I hate someone this could lead to 'murder' (maybe just in character, but murder nonetheless). But if I purpose (with God's help) to Agape someone then this leads to sacrifice. I will sacrifice to love this person who I hate. Is that possible? NO of course not, but that is where God comes in. He wanted to help Cain deal with his anger, to present a worthy sacrifice and to live rightly.
I know of situations in the Christian community where Godly people have taken to bitter words to justify their positions at the expense of innocent people. And to be honest, sometimes those bitter words & thoughts are from me. Let this new Agape begin today!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
A Real Christian?
In a recent conversation with an acquaintance, we were talking about 'Acts of Service'. She mentioned that a friend of hers who was always available, and actually looking for ways to serve was a 'Real Christian'....
Hmm! I kindof resented this classification - because it subtly seemed to exclude me. Rather, I'm not sure she would characterize me as a 'Real Christian'. Oh maybe, she might consider me to be a 'professional Christian', because it is my job (or something). But whatever category she puts me in, we all know this designation of a 'Real Christian'. We've probably been known to use it on occasion.
Now it can have several applications: By some a Real Christian, might be because he/she is "on-fire" for the Lord, or sold-out, or uncompromising - in all of life's matters; such as job/vocation, relationships, time management, etc. For some a Real Christian: might be someone who looks for opportunities to preach the Gospel - uncompromising in evangelism. For some a Real Christian could be linked to his/her theological acuity ("To give every man an answer"). For others, (like my friend) it could be because of their hospitality or ability to serve other people. It just seems to me that while all of these descriptions could be accurate, they also are all based on external factors and could just as easily be performed by people who do not have Christ in their heart.
Dick Woodward has said on many occasions many people are missing Heaven by 18". That is the distance between a person's head and heart. So what does The Bible say about being designated as a Real Christian. Well Acts tells us that "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch" (acts 11:26) After Barnabas had spent a year there - teaching many. Barnabas was sent to Antioch to help the church and he was characterized as 'a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.'
The Gospel of John says "To all who received Him (Jesus),to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God." There aren't any particular refereences to actions, passions or services. It is almost a secret designation. If we 'receive Him', 'believe in His name' - we're in. I guess as my love and understanding grows for Christ then the 'things' I get to do grow as well.
Hmm! I kindof resented this classification - because it subtly seemed to exclude me. Rather, I'm not sure she would characterize me as a 'Real Christian'. Oh maybe, she might consider me to be a 'professional Christian', because it is my job (or something). But whatever category she puts me in, we all know this designation of a 'Real Christian'. We've probably been known to use it on occasion.
Now it can have several applications: By some a Real Christian, might be because he/she is "on-fire" for the Lord, or sold-out, or uncompromising - in all of life's matters; such as job/vocation, relationships, time management, etc. For some a Real Christian: might be someone who looks for opportunities to preach the Gospel - uncompromising in evangelism. For some a Real Christian could be linked to his/her theological acuity ("To give every man an answer"). For others, (like my friend) it could be because of their hospitality or ability to serve other people. It just seems to me that while all of these descriptions could be accurate, they also are all based on external factors and could just as easily be performed by people who do not have Christ in their heart.
Dick Woodward has said on many occasions many people are missing Heaven by 18". That is the distance between a person's head and heart. So what does The Bible say about being designated as a Real Christian. Well Acts tells us that "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch" (acts 11:26) After Barnabas had spent a year there - teaching many. Barnabas was sent to Antioch to help the church and he was characterized as 'a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.'
The Gospel of John says "To all who received Him (Jesus),to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God." There aren't any particular refereences to actions, passions or services. It is almost a secret designation. If we 'receive Him', 'believe in His name' - we're in. I guess as my love and understanding grows for Christ then the 'things' I get to do grow as well.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
A WEDDING in Lexington
Two days ago London, England; Yesterday Williamsburg, Today Lexington! And I was just in Lexington about 10 days ago - finishing up my time at Rockbridge. But this day is the celebration of the marriage of 2 good friends. What a joy it is to be here and see these 2 commence their life together.
Marriage: seen in so many aspects today. Our culture says: "Why bother?". While in England last week - the Parliment passed a law giving equivilency rights to co-habiters. That is, those who have a pattern (the pattern is yet to be determined) of living together without being married. When these co-habiters decide to end their relationship they can appeal to the courts for "benefits" from each other. So it is like a divorce without ever being married in the first place. WOW! That's confusing. Also, even for those who do get married the potential that each union ends in divorcre is staggering. Are these folks-in-love thinking about commitment or is it just the right thing to do? Is marriage today based on feeling, only?
Opinion #1 - We should have a way to celebrate longevity in marriage. There should be public honor for couples who reach 10yrs, 20yrs, 30yrs etc.
Opinion #2 - It seems like Christians have a higher view of marriage. At least they take the time to meet with a minister, to talk about long term commitment & see what the Bible has to say about marriage. I'm actually not sure about the standards about other religions - perhaps they have just as high a standard of commitment as Christians. BUT: even with this higher view of marriage there is still way too much divorce.
Opinion #3 - As a matter of personal character development we need to work on understanding what marriage is - before we even think about entering into it. Read books on it. Talk to people who have been married a short time (3 months to 4 years); a long time (5-20 years) and an extremely long time (25yrs to 60 yrs). Read what the Bible has to say about marriage. Talk to people who prefprm marriages - ministers & judges, and see how their opinions differ.
Opinion #4 - Before getting married, a couple should read & study the traditional vows. Learn why the vow-creators placed so much emphasis on strength, grace, community support & God's blessing.
So what is my part in this wedding today? I have quite an honor (being a little prideful here). The bride & groom have asked me to assist them in their first act of worship as husband and wife - to share Holy Communion.
Marriage: seen in so many aspects today. Our culture says: "Why bother?". While in England last week - the Parliment passed a law giving equivilency rights to co-habiters. That is, those who have a pattern (the pattern is yet to be determined) of living together without being married. When these co-habiters decide to end their relationship they can appeal to the courts for "benefits" from each other. So it is like a divorce without ever being married in the first place. WOW! That's confusing. Also, even for those who do get married the potential that each union ends in divorcre is staggering. Are these folks-in-love thinking about commitment or is it just the right thing to do? Is marriage today based on feeling, only?
Opinion #1 - We should have a way to celebrate longevity in marriage. There should be public honor for couples who reach 10yrs, 20yrs, 30yrs etc.
Opinion #2 - It seems like Christians have a higher view of marriage. At least they take the time to meet with a minister, to talk about long term commitment & see what the Bible has to say about marriage. I'm actually not sure about the standards about other religions - perhaps they have just as high a standard of commitment as Christians. BUT: even with this higher view of marriage there is still way too much divorce.
Opinion #3 - As a matter of personal character development we need to work on understanding what marriage is - before we even think about entering into it. Read books on it. Talk to people who have been married a short time (3 months to 4 years); a long time (5-20 years) and an extremely long time (25yrs to 60 yrs). Read what the Bible has to say about marriage. Talk to people who prefprm marriages - ministers & judges, and see how their opinions differ.
Opinion #4 - Before getting married, a couple should read & study the traditional vows. Learn why the vow-creators placed so much emphasis on strength, grace, community support & God's blessing.
So what is my part in this wedding today? I have quite an honor (being a little prideful here). The bride & groom have asked me to assist them in their first act of worship as husband and wife - to share Holy Communion.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Surprised by London
So there I was in the British Library - and I discovered all of the Biblical Manuscripts that I thought I would have to scour the British Museum for hours to find. I will go back when I'm not jet-lagged. BUT while I was there I heard a voice from across the hall - "Marty, Marty". In London, in the Library - Elise Hegelson was there, Sophomore from W&M involved in IV & GI! WOW how fun was that.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
1 John 3:1: "How great is the Love the Father has LAVISHED on us that we should be called the children of God!"
It struck me as an odd word when I saw it. Do you know what I mean? When you look at a word that you know exists, but then it just looks & sounds odd when you see it in a different context.
To be honest: when I first read it today, the image that came to mind of LAVISH - was like a dog 'licking' his master. I don't know maybe it's something like putting the 'L's together or something. Maybe it is a dog LAVISHING his love for his master by licking him and sitting on his lap (another L, I guess). I don't know. That's what I meant by it being an odd word. Lavish, does not mean lick in any context - but that is the image I got. says Lavish means:
1) Characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion: a lavish buffet. See Synonyms at profuse.
2) Immoderate in giving or bestowing; unstinting.
So, the interesting thing about this is WE are the ones who should be LAVISHING LOVE on the Father - yet. 1st John tells us that HE Lavishes His love on us. And that is so that WE can be children of God. WOW! A double paradox here: Isn't this the norm with God.
OK - so because He saved us in the first place, we should be grateful and love Him. Yet because we needed to be saved He loved us (to save us). Then, even with our sin - He still loved us! (Rom 5:8) and apparently LAVISHLY - so that we might be His children.
It still looks like an odd word to me. But oh am I so glad it is a word!
It struck me as an odd word when I saw it. Do you know what I mean? When you look at a word that you know exists, but then it just looks & sounds odd when you see it in a different context.
To be honest: when I first read it today, the image that came to mind of LAVISH - was like a dog 'licking' his master. I don't know maybe it's something like putting the 'L's together or something. Maybe it is a dog LAVISHING his love for his master by licking him and sitting on his lap (another L, I guess). I don't know. That's what I meant by it being an odd word. Lavish, does not mean lick in any context - but that is the image I got. says Lavish means:
1) Characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion: a lavish buffet. See Synonyms at profuse.
2) Immoderate in giving or bestowing; unstinting.
So, the interesting thing about this is WE are the ones who should be LAVISHING LOVE on the Father - yet. 1st John tells us that HE Lavishes His love on us. And that is so that WE can be children of God. WOW! A double paradox here: Isn't this the norm with God.
OK - so because He saved us in the first place, we should be grateful and love Him. Yet because we needed to be saved He loved us (to save us). Then, even with our sin - He still loved us! (Rom 5:8) and apparently LAVISHLY - so that we might be His children.
It still looks like an odd word to me. But oh am I so glad it is a word!
Monday, May 22, 2006
I do not re-enter well from CAMP.
It takes a long time, I'm sarcastic, somewhat grumpy, I'm always looking for that group of 300 people, when it gets close to a meal I listen for a bell to ring or a whistle to blow, and when the meal is over I stack all the plates, sort the silverware, and pour all the leftover drinks back into the Iced Tea Pitcher - then I go outside to talk to people. Except, there is no one outside, & Carolyn gets mad at me for ruining her Tea and leaving all the dishes on the table. Yesterday, at church (the right amt. of people)everybody looked at me so oddly when I asked them how their track was going. I forget everyone's names from W'burg (even really close friends). I want to talk about things that have happened in the last 2 weeks, but most of the stories are those kind that "you have to have been there" to understand.
Now, fortunately, Carolyn understands, she provides me with space, understands when I start to speak in gibberish and gently lets me return to normal (what is normal anyway?). She provides me with a reasonable amount of social interaction - with peers and helps me with their names and tries to interrupt me before I talk too much about the BLOB or the ZIPline (terms which most 50 yr.olds wouldn't understand). Even with all this preparation I vacillate between wanting to be back at camp and being glad I'm home.
Well what is the cause of all this anxiety and culture shock? After all it is not that much of a cross-cultural experience - it's just Lexington, VA. There are 2 reasons that I can identify. One is personal, the other is spiritual. Personally, I'm an extrovert, the classic kind. I feed off of being with people. They energize me. I love to be in a crowd, even if I'm not a part of it. I don't have to be the center of attention, just to be in the middle. So situations like camp are ideal for me. There is always something going on from 7AM until 2AM. Camp feeds all of those needs for me. And to even complicate it more - Camp comes at the end of the most intense campus time - closing regualr appointments, meals, parites, Senior good-byes. Campus time intensifies as exams approach. Then Camp, then I return to an empty campus, and sort-of an empty town (from my perspective).
And Spiritually, and I hope this is not too idyllic, camp is like a glimpse into heaven. There are God's people everywhere. Eventhough we are still sinners, we keep short accounts, we reconcile quickly. We support and encourage each other. We speak truth, but not worldliness. We rejoice in the Gospel. We give glory to God and not ourselves. All the content shared is from the Word. There is a choir that resmbles the Choir of the Kingdom, we are all singing praises to God. All of our needs are met. There is plenty of planned and unplanned time to be with God.
Well I am blessed, I wish everyone could get a 2 week glimpse of heaven. Something to look forward to an up-close look at God at work deeply in the lives of people including ourselves.
It takes a long time, I'm sarcastic, somewhat grumpy, I'm always looking for that group of 300 people, when it gets close to a meal I listen for a bell to ring or a whistle to blow, and when the meal is over I stack all the plates, sort the silverware, and pour all the leftover drinks back into the Iced Tea Pitcher - then I go outside to talk to people. Except, there is no one outside, & Carolyn gets mad at me for ruining her Tea and leaving all the dishes on the table. Yesterday, at church (the right amt. of people)everybody looked at me so oddly when I asked them how their track was going. I forget everyone's names from W'burg (even really close friends). I want to talk about things that have happened in the last 2 weeks, but most of the stories are those kind that "you have to have been there" to understand.
Now, fortunately, Carolyn understands, she provides me with space, understands when I start to speak in gibberish and gently lets me return to normal (what is normal anyway?). She provides me with a reasonable amount of social interaction - with peers and helps me with their names and tries to interrupt me before I talk too much about the BLOB or the ZIPline (terms which most 50 yr.olds wouldn't understand). Even with all this preparation I vacillate between wanting to be back at camp and being glad I'm home.
Well what is the cause of all this anxiety and culture shock? After all it is not that much of a cross-cultural experience - it's just Lexington, VA. There are 2 reasons that I can identify. One is personal, the other is spiritual. Personally, I'm an extrovert, the classic kind. I feed off of being with people. They energize me. I love to be in a crowd, even if I'm not a part of it. I don't have to be the center of attention, just to be in the middle. So situations like camp are ideal for me. There is always something going on from 7AM until 2AM. Camp feeds all of those needs for me. And to even complicate it more - Camp comes at the end of the most intense campus time - closing regualr appointments, meals, parites, Senior good-byes. Campus time intensifies as exams approach. Then Camp, then I return to an empty campus, and sort-of an empty town (from my perspective).
And Spiritually, and I hope this is not too idyllic, camp is like a glimpse into heaven. There are God's people everywhere. Eventhough we are still sinners, we keep short accounts, we reconcile quickly. We support and encourage each other. We speak truth, but not worldliness. We rejoice in the Gospel. We give glory to God and not ourselves. All the content shared is from the Word. There is a choir that resmbles the Choir of the Kingdom, we are all singing praises to God. All of our needs are met. There is plenty of planned and unplanned time to be with God.
Well I am blessed, I wish everyone could get a 2 week glimpse of heaven. Something to look forward to an up-close look at God at work deeply in the lives of people including ourselves.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Elder Brother...
In the story of the Lost Son, (see text below) - There are really 2 lost sons. I believe the "elder" is just as lost as the "prodigal". Even to a certain respect it's a little easier to go after the prodigal than it is the elder. At least we know who he is and what he has done.
So how would we describe this Elder Brother, and let's figure out if we "are" one of them. 'The elder son was in the field when the prodigal came home' Hmm there are a couple of things here - The father was not in the field, he was looking for the son. Possibly what he had been doing every day since the son left. I am implying this, but it could be that there are multiple resentments going on for the elder.
1) a resentment that the father was not in the fields as well.
2) a resentment that the father was preoccupied with the prodigal son.
3) a resentment that the elder was not included in the feast-planning.
4) a resentment that 'no party was held for him.'
The elder son pouted when he heard what was going on at the house. His stubbornness did not allow him to even enter his own house. He was angry at the attention this lost son was getting! I guess the servants told the father, because he came out to coax him in and all he got was the whineing.
How can we relate to the elder brother? Well often there is a smugness in our spirituality. A haughtiness, that influences those returning prodigals. Things like: "How can you be in a fraternity/sorority and still be a Christian?" "Do you have regular Quiet Times?" "Have you ever been to a real church?" "Don't you go to church, at all?"
Also, there is an appeal to safety. That is, it is easier to be safe with my friends who are just like me, than develop reationships with prodigals. Someone may see you with them and get the wrong idea. They might 'bring you down' to their level. There is also an insecurity about hanging out with prodigals. They might ask us a question about the Gospel that we don't know the answer to. We don't want to turn them off. Finally, there is just a general disinterest in the prodigals and their lifestyles. We don't like hanging out with people like that. We have nothing to relate about.
How can the 'Elder Brothers' recognize their lostness? If you have a preoccupation with the field, there is a good chance you are lost. Ok, I have to state the obvious: Somebody has to be in the field. The work in the field must get done. If the father is spending all his time searching for the lost son, then the work is left undone. It is the job of those who are "home" to do the work. The field represents all of the good works that the Father's people are asked to do. The discipleship, the justise issues, preparation for the mission field, church boards, leading small groups of younger "ELDER" brothers, leading the father's programs,etc. Also, If you pout, whine or complain about the Father's decisions then there is a good chance you are lost. Our attitude is crucial in figuring out if we are 'lost' or not. If you've never looked for the Prodigal or it's been a long time, then you are probably lost. . There is something about being out there looking for the prodigals that helps us gain perspective about what the Father sees in them.
How can we return to the house where the Father and the Prodigals are? Also, the house where the party is. OK here I can offer a bit of a personal testimony. Don't get me wrong, I still think I live too frequently in the field. I love the field! There is nothing like meeting with another Elder brother and helping them understand Lordship issues, connecting an alumnus with a church, helping to plan a missions trip, learning about God's word with a student. But several years ago with the "coaxing" of several friends on campus, I learned that there is good reason to be searching a long way off for a 'returning prodigal'. There is a place for leaving the field and sitting at College Delly or Aroma's or even the Daily Grind and welcoming back (or sometimes even for the 1st time) a Prodigal. There is a joy, an excitement, a freshness that took over my day-to-day walk with Jesus. And maybe some people do say, "Marty, hangs out with drunkards and gluttons." But I want to be in the business of welcoming prodigals back to the kingdom. For me this is Greeks at W&M. I've been doing it now for 5 or so years. And sometimes hanging out with Greeks, is more field work, but sometimes it's running to meet the prodigal throw my arms around their neck and kiss them!
So how would we describe this Elder Brother, and let's figure out if we "are" one of them. 'The elder son was in the field when the prodigal came home' Hmm there are a couple of things here - The father was not in the field, he was looking for the son. Possibly what he had been doing every day since the son left. I am implying this, but it could be that there are multiple resentments going on for the elder.
1) a resentment that the father was not in the fields as well.
2) a resentment that the father was preoccupied with the prodigal son.
3) a resentment that the elder was not included in the feast-planning.
4) a resentment that 'no party was held for him.'
The elder son pouted when he heard what was going on at the house. His stubbornness did not allow him to even enter his own house. He was angry at the attention this lost son was getting! I guess the servants told the father, because he came out to coax him in and all he got was the whineing.
How can we relate to the elder brother? Well often there is a smugness in our spirituality. A haughtiness, that influences those returning prodigals. Things like: "How can you be in a fraternity/sorority and still be a Christian?" "Do you have regular Quiet Times?" "Have you ever been to a real church?" "Don't you go to church, at all?"
Also, there is an appeal to safety. That is, it is easier to be safe with my friends who are just like me, than develop reationships with prodigals. Someone may see you with them and get the wrong idea. They might 'bring you down' to their level. There is also an insecurity about hanging out with prodigals. They might ask us a question about the Gospel that we don't know the answer to. We don't want to turn them off. Finally, there is just a general disinterest in the prodigals and their lifestyles. We don't like hanging out with people like that. We have nothing to relate about.
How can the 'Elder Brothers' recognize their lostness? If you have a preoccupation with the field, there is a good chance you are lost. Ok, I have to state the obvious: Somebody has to be in the field. The work in the field must get done. If the father is spending all his time searching for the lost son, then the work is left undone. It is the job of those who are "home" to do the work. The field represents all of the good works that the Father's people are asked to do. The discipleship, the justise issues, preparation for the mission field, church boards, leading small groups of younger "ELDER" brothers, leading the father's programs,etc. Also, If you pout, whine or complain about the Father's decisions then there is a good chance you are lost. Our attitude is crucial in figuring out if we are 'lost' or not. If you've never looked for the Prodigal or it's been a long time, then you are probably lost. . There is something about being out there looking for the prodigals that helps us gain perspective about what the Father sees in them.
How can we return to the house where the Father and the Prodigals are? Also, the house where the party is. OK here I can offer a bit of a personal testimony. Don't get me wrong, I still think I live too frequently in the field. I love the field! There is nothing like meeting with another Elder brother and helping them understand Lordship issues, connecting an alumnus with a church, helping to plan a missions trip, learning about God's word with a student. But several years ago with the "coaxing" of several friends on campus, I learned that there is good reason to be searching a long way off for a 'returning prodigal'. There is a place for leaving the field and sitting at College Delly or Aroma's or even the Daily Grind and welcoming back (or sometimes even for the 1st time) a Prodigal. There is a joy, an excitement, a freshness that took over my day-to-day walk with Jesus. And maybe some people do say, "Marty, hangs out with drunkards and gluttons." But I want to be in the business of welcoming prodigals back to the kingdom. For me this is Greeks at W&M. I've been doing it now for 5 or so years. And sometimes hanging out with Greeks, is more field work, but sometimes it's running to meet the prodigal throw my arms around their neck and kiss them!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Reaching the Prodigals
So when we think about reaching out on campus, who are we reaching out to? It seems like so many students at W&M have some kind of church or religious background, but once they get to college, well it seems like it moves to the back burner. It's not important anymore.
Don't get me wrong. There is a strong Christian community at W&M for that I am very very happy. It gives me something to do everyday. There are a lot of active Christians on campus. For the most part there is a good sense of comraderie, unity, as it were, between the groups. Christian students, eventhough they choose the fellowship they are most comfortable with (or most challenged by) they respect the other Christian fellowships. There is even a healthy curiosity between fellowships. But it is very easy for the Christians to be dependant on each other for all their social and spiritual needs. This is partly because there are so many of them and partly because hanging out with other segments might involve behavioral compromise.
But as a pastor friend says: "Yea, look at those W&M students - they are staying away from Church by the thousands." So as easy as it is to be smug about the size of the Christian community at W&M the reality is there many who have pushed it aside. But, quite possibly many of these could be seen as the Prodigal son in the Luke 15 passage. He squandered his inheritance on wine, women & song!
If you remember the story: The Parable of the Lost Son
11Jesus continued: "There was a man who had two sons. 12The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them.
13"Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17"When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.' 20So he got up and went to his father.
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21"The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.[b]'
22"But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. 24For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.
25"Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27'Your brother has come,' he replied, 'and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.'
28"The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29But he answered his father, 'Look! All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!'
31" 'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' "
The prodigal received the inheritance, but did not have the benefits of the palace. He left convinced that he could find something bigger & better. Well that seems to be the state of many students at W&M. They have a taste of Kingdom living but for whatever reason, they have chosen to walk away from it.
We are beginning to think about what can we do to invite the prodigals back home. One of our objections might be dealing with the elder brothers who may be less likely to want the prodigal t ocome home.
Don't get me wrong. There is a strong Christian community at W&M for that I am very very happy. It gives me something to do everyday. There are a lot of active Christians on campus. For the most part there is a good sense of comraderie, unity, as it were, between the groups. Christian students, eventhough they choose the fellowship they are most comfortable with (or most challenged by) they respect the other Christian fellowships. There is even a healthy curiosity between fellowships. But it is very easy for the Christians to be dependant on each other for all their social and spiritual needs. This is partly because there are so many of them and partly because hanging out with other segments might involve behavioral compromise.
But as a pastor friend says: "Yea, look at those W&M students - they are staying away from Church by the thousands." So as easy as it is to be smug about the size of the Christian community at W&M the reality is there many who have pushed it aside. But, quite possibly many of these could be seen as the Prodigal son in the Luke 15 passage. He squandered his inheritance on wine, women & song!
If you remember the story: The Parable of the Lost Son
11Jesus continued: "There was a man who had two sons. 12The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them.
13"Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17"When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.' 20So he got up and went to his father.
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21"The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.[b]'
22"But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. 24For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.
25"Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27'Your brother has come,' he replied, 'and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.'
28"The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29But he answered his father, 'Look! All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!'
31" 'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' "
The prodigal received the inheritance, but did not have the benefits of the palace. He left convinced that he could find something bigger & better. Well that seems to be the state of many students at W&M. They have a taste of Kingdom living but for whatever reason, they have chosen to walk away from it.
We are beginning to think about what can we do to invite the prodigals back home. One of our objections might be dealing with the elder brothers who may be less likely to want the prodigal t ocome home.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
So what is an evangelism initiative, anyway?
It has been noted that while InterVarsity (and by that I mean BIG InterVarsity, not our local chapter) has increased events focused on reaching non-believers without a clear proclamation (although Pancake House would be one of those - 1200 people served without a clear presentation of the Gospel, in Word.) there has not been a major growth in seeing people on campus respond to the Gospel.
So IVCF has asked each chapter to begin an evangelism initiative. Hmm! what is that? I'm not exactly sure yet. But they have asked each chapter to provide a number (quantitative term) of students that they will effectively pray for as a chapter. So is it a PRAYER initiative? Well that could be.
Certainly the most effective tool for evangelism is prayer. And certainly we want to keep that on the forefront of all budding evangelists minds. That the Lord is working to bring all those who do not know Him - to Him. So will it work to direct His attention to a few names that we know. How do we pray for those who don't know Him. Do we pray: "Lord, please bring someone into 'Johnny's' life, who can speak the Gospel to him." or "Lord, 'Johnny' needs you now - you know what to do." or "Lord, please prepare me to speak your truth to anyone I see today, but especially for 'Johnny', as I will see him at 3pm." Or all of the above.
And what about the numbers? Is that a contrived & manipulated method or a helpful indicator to get the people of God on the same page as the Father's heart? WOW, Students really reacted to that last night. At least W&M students did not like having to quantify evangelism. "It seems so impersonal." "Are we trying to limit God?" "I'm not comfortable talking about numbers of converts." Yet, as we talked many in the room mentioned individual friends who needed the Lord. Some talked about a number of friends from the dorm who came to campus in the fall with every intention of getting involved in Christian or Church activities and then didn't. Now for some of these it's kinda awkward to bring it up.
So IVCF has asked each chapter to begin an evangelism initiative. Hmm! what is that? I'm not exactly sure yet. But they have asked each chapter to provide a number (quantitative term) of students that they will effectively pray for as a chapter. So is it a PRAYER initiative? Well that could be.
Certainly the most effective tool for evangelism is prayer. And certainly we want to keep that on the forefront of all budding evangelists minds. That the Lord is working to bring all those who do not know Him - to Him. So will it work to direct His attention to a few names that we know. How do we pray for those who don't know Him. Do we pray: "Lord, please bring someone into 'Johnny's' life, who can speak the Gospel to him." or "Lord, 'Johnny' needs you now - you know what to do." or "Lord, please prepare me to speak your truth to anyone I see today, but especially for 'Johnny', as I will see him at 3pm." Or all of the above.
And what about the numbers? Is that a contrived & manipulated method or a helpful indicator to get the people of God on the same page as the Father's heart? WOW, Students really reacted to that last night. At least W&M students did not like having to quantify evangelism. "It seems so impersonal." "Are we trying to limit God?" "I'm not comfortable talking about numbers of converts." Yet, as we talked many in the room mentioned individual friends who needed the Lord. Some talked about a number of friends from the dorm who came to campus in the fall with every intention of getting involved in Christian or Church activities and then didn't. Now for some of these it's kinda awkward to bring it up.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Grace - "The New Legalism"
A student made an interesting comment tonight. It got me thinking. Well actually I've had this thought before. She said something like: I know I'm supposed to do these "good works" because I get to do them, but I just feel like it's not enough.
Are we trying so hard to live by grace, that it has actually become a new kind of works righteousness. It's not really the 'Sin all the more' stuff that captivates us (that would be a form of anti-nominism). But I think it has become more of a perfectionism - I want to be the 'best Christian' I can be by showing God how good I am at being in a relationship with Him. Does that make sense?
So what is it? How do I live on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE EQUATION, without making it another thing that I strive to achieve? It's not about being lazy or complacent. But it is also not about striving hard to prove myself to God. It really is hard work. Like a marriage (and I believe God gave us marriage as a little tangible model of having a relationship with Him) there is nothing better but it takes a lot of effort and honesty. I can't 'work' at my relationship with Carolyn because then for some reason it just seems a little disingenuous. I just have to be in my relationship with her. Flowers on Mother's day is not a 'good work' - it's an expression of my love. I shouldn't have to think about that. But I also hurt her (sometimes knowingly and sometimes inadvertantly). I seek my own interest. I'm prideful. I retaliate when I should forgive. Each of these issues deserves and gets a response - sometimes involving pain (for both of us). But it is just all a part of marriage.
So it is with the Lord - "Cease Striving and know that I am God"(gen), "Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest"(matt 11:28), "There remains then a Sabbath-Rest for the people of God." (heb 4:9). Do we get it? It's hard work, but oh so easy. It's impossible, but God helps us make it possible.
Are we trying so hard to live by grace, that it has actually become a new kind of works righteousness. It's not really the 'Sin all the more' stuff that captivates us (that would be a form of anti-nominism). But I think it has become more of a perfectionism - I want to be the 'best Christian' I can be by showing God how good I am at being in a relationship with Him. Does that make sense?
So what is it? How do I live on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE EQUATION, without making it another thing that I strive to achieve? It's not about being lazy or complacent. But it is also not about striving hard to prove myself to God. It really is hard work. Like a marriage (and I believe God gave us marriage as a little tangible model of having a relationship with Him) there is nothing better but it takes a lot of effort and honesty. I can't 'work' at my relationship with Carolyn because then for some reason it just seems a little disingenuous. I just have to be in my relationship with her. Flowers on Mother's day is not a 'good work' - it's an expression of my love. I shouldn't have to think about that. But I also hurt her (sometimes knowingly and sometimes inadvertantly). I seek my own interest. I'm prideful. I retaliate when I should forgive. Each of these issues deserves and gets a response - sometimes involving pain (for both of us). But it is just all a part of marriage.
So it is with the Lord - "Cease Striving and know that I am God"(gen), "Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest"(matt 11:28), "There remains then a Sabbath-Rest for the people of God." (heb 4:9). Do we get it? It's hard work, but oh so easy. It's impossible, but God helps us make it possible.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
What about Leadership?
How do you challenge a leadership team? What are a few thoughts to say to Christian leaders that will help them make good decisions, listen to the voice of God and make plans for next year?
Tonight I had that chance. I was speaking to 50 leaders from 12 schools throughout VA, NC & SC. I didn't want to give them a 'How-to' list on what they should do. So I just gave them a couple principles to start with.
First principle: working with a Christian Leadership Team is like the TV show "24" you never know what to expect. The Good Characters often become the Bad Guys. And the difficult characters often become the heroes. "Perfect" leadership teams often get less than perfect results, the "weaker" leadership teams often excel beyond their limitations. The Lord will frequently use our weaknesses for His strength. Conversely, the "evil one" will use our strengths for his purposes. I Corinthians 1:18-31.
Second Principle: You were chosen as a team by Jesus Christ. The primary reason for a christian leadership Team is to be with Jesus. Mark 3:14 says "Jesus called 12 Apostles that they might be with Him." Doing ministry was secondary to being with Jesus. As you work through your team issues and developing your plan and strategy remember the primary task is to be with Jesus.
Third Principle: Make sure that Jesus stays on the Throne of your personal life and your team - ALONE. When I shared the Gospel with Mike White (A High School student, back in the YL days) He asked me if there was any way that he could be on the throne with Jesus. Jesus doesn't allow for shared responsibility. Rom 8:28 - All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes. He is the center all power, vision, decisions flow out of that consistency. "Seek first the Kingdom of God and ALL these things will be added unto you."
Fourth Principle: Make sure you are living on the Right side of the equation. G+0=RSWG. The Left Side is G+0, means Grace plus nothing. If I am living on the left side of the equation it means that I try to help God out by adding to the ZERO. Things like daily quiet time, attending church, leading a small group, etc. Really, God doesn't need the help if it is seen as some kind of 'duty'. But living on the Right Side of the Equation means because of His love for me, the Grace He provides through death on the cross, I have the ability to have a right relationship with Him - that is RSWG=Right Standing With God. So as you do things for God - do not do them out of a duty or attempt to help Jesus - but out of a relationship with Him. It's about relationship. Like marriage for instance, if I had married Carolyn and had gotten to the end of the aisle and said: "That was nice, let's do it again sometime." or "Why don't we meet back here in a year and try this again" That would have been silly. Our relationship began at that point, eventhough we knew each other before. That's the same with Jesus. If you are living on the right side then things you do are because you GET TO not because you SHOULD or you HAVE TO.
Fifth Principle: Don't be too BUSY for the people in your chapter. If you love them you will be available to them, regardless. Take BUSY out of your vocabulary. It seems to have become the Key Word for those of us in ministry. It's like if I'm busy then I am more important in the Kingdom of God. That is pride. How many times did you see Jesus in the Gospels - going a way for a rest, praying early in the AM, taking the Disciples away for some quiet. He prioritized time with His father. Then out of that comes a compassion for the people who were following Him.
Tonight I had that chance. I was speaking to 50 leaders from 12 schools throughout VA, NC & SC. I didn't want to give them a 'How-to' list on what they should do. So I just gave them a couple principles to start with.
First principle: working with a Christian Leadership Team is like the TV show "24" you never know what to expect. The Good Characters often become the Bad Guys. And the difficult characters often become the heroes. "Perfect" leadership teams often get less than perfect results, the "weaker" leadership teams often excel beyond their limitations. The Lord will frequently use our weaknesses for His strength. Conversely, the "evil one" will use our strengths for his purposes. I Corinthians 1:18-31.
Second Principle: You were chosen as a team by Jesus Christ. The primary reason for a christian leadership Team is to be with Jesus. Mark 3:14 says "Jesus called 12 Apostles that they might be with Him." Doing ministry was secondary to being with Jesus. As you work through your team issues and developing your plan and strategy remember the primary task is to be with Jesus.
Third Principle: Make sure that Jesus stays on the Throne of your personal life and your team - ALONE. When I shared the Gospel with Mike White (A High School student, back in the YL days) He asked me if there was any way that he could be on the throne with Jesus. Jesus doesn't allow for shared responsibility. Rom 8:28 - All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes. He is the center all power, vision, decisions flow out of that consistency. "Seek first the Kingdom of God and ALL these things will be added unto you."
Fourth Principle: Make sure you are living on the Right side of the equation. G+0=RSWG. The Left Side is G+0, means Grace plus nothing. If I am living on the left side of the equation it means that I try to help God out by adding to the ZERO. Things like daily quiet time, attending church, leading a small group, etc. Really, God doesn't need the help if it is seen as some kind of 'duty'. But living on the Right Side of the Equation means because of His love for me, the Grace He provides through death on the cross, I have the ability to have a right relationship with Him - that is RSWG=Right Standing With God. So as you do things for God - do not do them out of a duty or attempt to help Jesus - but out of a relationship with Him. It's about relationship. Like marriage for instance, if I had married Carolyn and had gotten to the end of the aisle and said: "That was nice, let's do it again sometime." or "Why don't we meet back here in a year and try this again" That would have been silly. Our relationship began at that point, eventhough we knew each other before. That's the same with Jesus. If you are living on the right side then things you do are because you GET TO not because you SHOULD or you HAVE TO.
Fifth Principle: Don't be too BUSY for the people in your chapter. If you love them you will be available to them, regardless. Take BUSY out of your vocabulary. It seems to have become the Key Word for those of us in ministry. It's like if I'm busy then I am more important in the Kingdom of God. That is pride. How many times did you see Jesus in the Gospels - going a way for a rest, praying early in the AM, taking the Disciples away for some quiet. He prioritized time with His father. Then out of that comes a compassion for the people who were following Him.
Friday, May 12, 2006
How to be mentored at 51...
It's the Lawnmower guy! Every year when I come to Rockbridge, I look forward to a chat with John Hartsock the lawnmower guy. He told me today that this year marks his 50th year with Young Life. Not always as the Lawnmower guy. When John was in Montgomery County, MD he was a committee member, chairman several times, club leader, trip leader every year, camp staff, and now retired to Lexington and 'The Lawnmower Guy' at Rockbridge.
His wisdom and experience and MEMORY amazes me. We start talking about people we know and remember, then he'll tell a story (maybe about someone who became a famous YL staffer, who he caught when they were in high school - smooching behind the "Town Hall"). Then he'll talk about my friends that he remembers from High School & College and he'll tell me their God stories. People like Tuck Knupp, Pat Goodman, Mike O'leary, Tom Parker, Jim Cummings, John King, Doug Holladay, of course and so many others. John mentored and ministered to these young men (who in turn mentored & ministered to me). Then he will tell me stories of how God touched his life through more great men of the Lord: Dick Halverson, Doug Coe, Bud Bylsema and on and on. Can you see the chain - "Things you have heard me say, entrust to reliable people who in turn can teach others (2 tim. 2:2). That is what we are living out here. And once a year I hang out with this saint...
Do you know what he told me today? He's ready for the next challenge in YL. He wants to spend July & August at YL's Malibu Camp being the Yacht Captain. I didn't even know there was a Yacht Captain. Every summer there is a couple who (when the Whistle Blows) they go down to the dock and watch the random boat come in. They escort these people off the boat, give them a Captain's Tour of the property, treat them to a meal if the time is right and tell them about the wonders of kids' lives changed by the Gospel. What a PR opportunity that is!
Then my friend John encouraged me with the words of the Lord, "Let them know about people like me." he said. That is people who put the Lord 1st in all they do. That is people who will work to have enough money to invest time and energy in letting seeking high school kids hear the Gospel in a way that is tuned to their ears. That is people who will never quit the "Gospel Business". Whatever it takes!
I guess today I had my own Life After College track. I learned from John that this is not a business we retire from. The Lord's work takes many forms. If somebody needs their grass cut so that Kids can see excellence, we'll be there. If someone needs to talk to a fisherman, then the Lord will talk about fish. The Lord will talk about Wind & Weather to someone who wants to know about WInd & Weather. John's message - "Whatever it takes!"
Are we that sold out? Or is the Gospel that thing that we learn about in Church, or on a CD or at a conference? Or is the Gospel that thing we live when we look for every opportunity to preach the Gospel even if it's cutting Grass or baking cookies or being a Yacht Captain in British Columbia.
Thank You John - today you took me to school...
His wisdom and experience and MEMORY amazes me. We start talking about people we know and remember, then he'll tell a story (maybe about someone who became a famous YL staffer, who he caught when they were in high school - smooching behind the "Town Hall"). Then he'll talk about my friends that he remembers from High School & College and he'll tell me their God stories. People like Tuck Knupp, Pat Goodman, Mike O'leary, Tom Parker, Jim Cummings, John King, Doug Holladay, of course and so many others. John mentored and ministered to these young men (who in turn mentored & ministered to me). Then he will tell me stories of how God touched his life through more great men of the Lord: Dick Halverson, Doug Coe, Bud Bylsema and on and on. Can you see the chain - "Things you have heard me say, entrust to reliable people who in turn can teach others (2 tim. 2:2). That is what we are living out here. And once a year I hang out with this saint...
Do you know what he told me today? He's ready for the next challenge in YL. He wants to spend July & August at YL's Malibu Camp being the Yacht Captain. I didn't even know there was a Yacht Captain. Every summer there is a couple who (when the Whistle Blows) they go down to the dock and watch the random boat come in. They escort these people off the boat, give them a Captain's Tour of the property, treat them to a meal if the time is right and tell them about the wonders of kids' lives changed by the Gospel. What a PR opportunity that is!
Then my friend John encouraged me with the words of the Lord, "Let them know about people like me." he said. That is people who put the Lord 1st in all they do. That is people who will work to have enough money to invest time and energy in letting seeking high school kids hear the Gospel in a way that is tuned to their ears. That is people who will never quit the "Gospel Business". Whatever it takes!
I guess today I had my own Life After College track. I learned from John that this is not a business we retire from. The Lord's work takes many forms. If somebody needs their grass cut so that Kids can see excellence, we'll be there. If someone needs to talk to a fisherman, then the Lord will talk about fish. The Lord will talk about Wind & Weather to someone who wants to know about WInd & Weather. John's message - "Whatever it takes!"
Are we that sold out? Or is the Gospel that thing that we learn about in Church, or on a CD or at a conference? Or is the Gospel that thing we live when we look for every opportunity to preach the Gospel even if it's cutting Grass or baking cookies or being a Yacht Captain in British Columbia.
Thank You John - today you took me to school...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
New in Christ
She sat down at my table and as typically happens at camp meals everyone starts to introduce themselves. When she said her name, she said: "I don't really know why I'm here, I'm not that into IV." What an intriguing statement! In reply I said: "Oh really, why aren't you that into IV?" Off she went on a long trail.
She talked about how in High School and Middle School she was really into Christianity. She was in her youth group, young life and other Christian programs and missions trips. When she got to college, she had every intent of getting just as involved in Christian activities. But there was just something about being away from home - new freedoms - new opportunities. The girls on the hall were all about experiencing all of college life and my new friend just went along with them. She didn't know why. But a connection was made and before she knew it her desire to get involved in Christian things fell to the bottom of the list. It wasn't because interVarsity & Campus Crusade people didn't try. They came by, left her notes, invited her to Bible Studies to college fellowship meetings and anything else to get her involved, but she just passed them by.
So what was the ticket? How did she wind up at IV's Rockbridge Summer Camp? It was after Spring Break and she was alone on campus and actually she was feeling kindof lonely. A woman, actually the one who had been coming by to invite her to the IV Small Group Bible study, was walking by, stopped and asked her how she was doing. This started a long discussion that began with formalities and led to deep discussions about loneliness and faith and dependence on people and on God.
It all came rushing back to her. The fellowship, the community, the people who were selfless, who loved her regardless who had become a memory were now pushed up to the front again. And she realized what she was missing, but now there was a different problem. Why would God love her? She had turned her back on Him. She had forgotten her "First Love". She was the prodigal - squandering her wealth in foreign countries.
But the small group leader said that God wanted her back, He had been waiting for her for months. This was her chance to set things straight. So that was it - she prayed that night and began to get involved in regular campus fellowship opportunities. She met weekly with the Bible Study leader then the next thing she knew she was filling out the form and signing up for camp and then 20 days later she was sitting at my dinner table, learning about "Following Jesus".
Does God NEED us to do his witnessing? Of course not. But He does use us. That young woman walked by at just the right moment, a coincidence or a God-incidence - Because of God of course! And how about this work of His:
He touched my dinner partner
He touched the Small Group leader,
He touched me.
It was amazing!
She talked about how in High School and Middle School she was really into Christianity. She was in her youth group, young life and other Christian programs and missions trips. When she got to college, she had every intent of getting just as involved in Christian activities. But there was just something about being away from home - new freedoms - new opportunities. The girls on the hall were all about experiencing all of college life and my new friend just went along with them. She didn't know why. But a connection was made and before she knew it her desire to get involved in Christian things fell to the bottom of the list. It wasn't because interVarsity & Campus Crusade people didn't try. They came by, left her notes, invited her to Bible Studies to college fellowship meetings and anything else to get her involved, but she just passed them by.
So what was the ticket? How did she wind up at IV's Rockbridge Summer Camp? It was after Spring Break and she was alone on campus and actually she was feeling kindof lonely. A woman, actually the one who had been coming by to invite her to the IV Small Group Bible study, was walking by, stopped and asked her how she was doing. This started a long discussion that began with formalities and led to deep discussions about loneliness and faith and dependence on people and on God.
It all came rushing back to her. The fellowship, the community, the people who were selfless, who loved her regardless who had become a memory were now pushed up to the front again. And she realized what she was missing, but now there was a different problem. Why would God love her? She had turned her back on Him. She had forgotten her "First Love". She was the prodigal - squandering her wealth in foreign countries.
But the small group leader said that God wanted her back, He had been waiting for her for months. This was her chance to set things straight. So that was it - she prayed that night and began to get involved in regular campus fellowship opportunities. She met weekly with the Bible Study leader then the next thing she knew she was filling out the form and signing up for camp and then 20 days later she was sitting at my dinner table, learning about "Following Jesus".
Does God NEED us to do his witnessing? Of course not. But He does use us. That young woman walked by at just the right moment, a coincidence or a God-incidence - Because of God of course! And how about this work of His:
He touched my dinner partner
He touched the Small Group leader,
He touched me.
It was amazing!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Love of the Brothers

I went to the funeral of the mother of a good friend of mine recently. Brent’s mom had been sick for awhile, but managed in her strength (or the strength of the Lord) to attend her 2 children’s weddings. There were great testimonies given by people far & wide. And to be honest it was a wonderful celebration. I was moved when I saw (and heard) Brent share his own thoughts.
At one point after the funeral, we were at a little reception and I looked over and I saw the 5 guys who at W&M had loved and cared for each other throughout it all. They seemed oh so much older than when they were running around on campus in soccer shorts. They surrounded my friend and their brother in Christ, consoling him, encouraging him, supporting him and loving him. They had come from Williamsburg and NOVA, Richmond and MD, to be together when Brent needed them. To me this was the epitome of a small group.
They had begun to meet freshmen year in a SG. It was awkward at first. They were just a little too competitive with each other – and when they began to meet some of the women in the chapter the competition even increased! But they met weekly for Bible Study and prayer and to do fun things together. They added a few folks and started to do some IM sports – “Jesus Doesn’t Fumble”, and “Jesus doesn’t Cross-Check”. One of them had a Mountain retreat home and they all went up there one weekend – the guy’s mom came along to cook. Except one morning she starts to ream her son out in front of the other guys about not studying enough. They supported each other thru difficulties: like girlfriend break-ups, struggles with moral issues, alcohol, family problems.
During Sophomore year, some of them lived together and that continued until graduation. They supported and cared for each other thru dating and courtships and now in parenting. They encouraged each other thru love and good deeds. They even still meet together at least a couple times a year (although they don’t bring moms along anymore)
So what was unique about this group? I wish I knew then I could reproduce it. But there were a couple things that I think I can identify that will help us as we deepen & develop small groups next year.
1) The Leaders were persistent. They kept going back and back getting these guys to come to their meeting. They wouldn’t take no for an answer.
2) They weren’t just being invited to a SG Bible study. They were being invited into the lives of the leaders (I Thess). Sports teams, overnights, Sno-To-Go, etc.
3) They put a high value on growing in Christ – going to church, coming to LG (they’d meet for dinner before), hearing a Christian speaker on campus, retreats & conferences, etc
4) They met at other times for prayer (weekly prayer partners)
5) They played together. IM teams, Play Station, Xbox
6) Discipleship was a part of their lifestyle.
7) Accountability was part of their lifestyle.
8) They loved each other regardless.
9) They became 3AM friends – that is the kind you can call at 3 in the morning.
10) They kept their secrets confidential.
11) They stood with each other, even at questionable times.
12) They spoke the truth in Love.
13) They did not neglect to meet together. (Heb 10:24,25)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Bible Study for French Tutors

Femme is a french tutor at the College of W&M. She has been here all year. Sometime in February, one of our student leaders, Alyssa Bendict (far right) felt God calling her to begin a Bible Study with the French Tutors and their friends. None of them had Bibles and actually it was pretty hard to find French Bibles for them. We were able to get 6 of them and Alyssa began her study. Femme & Julia were the most committed, and the discussions began to quickly turn to questions about faith and the divinity & humanity of Jesus, as well as issues of theodicy. Alyssa was moved by the Lord and was able to engage the discussions beyond what she felt her abilities were. SHe would say the Holy Spirit led her.
Femme is the one who most clearly responded to the Gospel with a decision made at a local church on Easter day. She leaves soon to go back to France, finish her schooling and get a job. But with her she will take the relationships of many of her InterVarsity Friends and also possibly Alyssa herself will be in Femme's city.
The Lord is so good in that He uses his servants (Alyssa) eventhough He doesn't need us. By drawing Alyssa & Femme together there is a new name in the Kingdom and Alyssa saw the power of God work through her fluency of French and her desire to see another life in the Kingdom
Monday, May 08, 2006
So the topic tonight was evangelism. We looked at how easy it is to be complacent about sharing the thing that we believe the most, with the people we care about the most. Marshall Benbow said that we have become so "tolerant" in our culture that the value of my faith has been reduced to the fact that it is my faith, and we think that other people can find it on their own. He said that he sees 3 drawbacks on campuses today.
1) We are not growing in prayer for the lost.
2) We are not growing in campus events that are specifically geared to PROCLAMATION.
3) We are doing events that are with more non-Christians, but without proclamation (events like BBQs & bowling tourneys).
1) We are not growing in prayer for the lost.
2) We are not growing in campus events that are specifically geared to PROCLAMATION.
3) We are doing events that are with more non-Christians, but without proclamation (events like BBQs & bowling tourneys).
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Small Group Vision Camp
Small Group Leaders Camp. A pastor told me that the greatest need in the Church today is trained Bible Study leaders. No one in the church has the opportunity to take a week or even a weekend to "get trained". Then I thought, We (InterVarsity) train 200 leaders a year in how to lead a Small Group Bible Study. Then we give them the practical experience of actually leading. What a gift to the church.
I just left our 1st session for 2006. There was a great opportunity to look at Mark 6 - Jesus Feeding the 5,000+. As well as an overview of what a SG is. Kevin helped us greatly with a visual image of a SG. There was a table on stage (actually 1/2 On & 1/2 Off stage) with 4 chairs around it. He picked up the 1st chair and said: "This chair, is for the baby Christians who should come to your SG, you will want to keep them. So don't make fun of them if they ask a seemingly dumb question like "How did John write the Gospel if the Governor had him beheaded?". Help them, love them, show them!" Then he picked up the 2nd chair and said: "This chair, is for the people who think theologically, don't let them answer every question, but allow them to help the rest of us understand it a little better. This 3rd Chair, I would like to paint black, so that we would always be aware of it. This chair is for the Non-Christian who should feel welcome and invited to your SG table. Make sure there is room at your table for the Non-Christian. In fact I would say it's not a SG if there is not a non-Christian there." Then he took the 4th chair, held it high and told us it was the Empty Chair. "There should always be an empty chair at your SG table in hopes that in your year you would fill it. Always be inviting, always be looking. Not just in August/September, when it is easy. But be inviting people to your SG in November or February or May. Let there always be an empty chair in your SG."
I just left our 1st session for 2006. There was a great opportunity to look at Mark 6 - Jesus Feeding the 5,000+. As well as an overview of what a SG is. Kevin helped us greatly with a visual image of a SG. There was a table on stage (actually 1/2 On & 1/2 Off stage) with 4 chairs around it. He picked up the 1st chair and said: "This chair, is for the baby Christians who should come to your SG, you will want to keep them. So don't make fun of them if they ask a seemingly dumb question like "How did John write the Gospel if the Governor had him beheaded?". Help them, love them, show them!" Then he picked up the 2nd chair and said: "This chair, is for the people who think theologically, don't let them answer every question, but allow them to help the rest of us understand it a little better. This 3rd Chair, I would like to paint black, so that we would always be aware of it. This chair is for the Non-Christian who should feel welcome and invited to your SG table. Make sure there is room at your table for the Non-Christian. In fact I would say it's not a SG if there is not a non-Christian there." Then he took the 4th chair, held it high and told us it was the Empty Chair. "There should always be an empty chair at your SG table in hopes that in your year you would fill it. Always be inviting, always be looking. Not just in August/September, when it is easy. But be inviting people to your SG in November or February or May. Let there always be an empty chair in your SG."
Friday, January 13, 2006
Sharpening the Saw!
Well T-minus12 days untio it all starts again. Am I prepared? Well let's just say I've got to do some "work" here, before I am ready to confront the new semester. Have I done anything? Oh yeah! It has been a rich holiday. Lots of reading, lots of cooking, lots of conversations, lots of thinking. Lots of work? Hmm - not so much.
One thot that I have been mulling is this idea abt the development of spirituality. Is there a process that tells us when someone is ready to get on to the next stage of discipleship. For instance the "Sin all the more - stuff". Is there a time in a person's life when they need to go thru legalism in order to understand grace. Well it is certainly true that I went thru that. But now I consider the foray into legalism as an aberration that kept me away from grace. But I certainly appreciate grace more that I know what the LAW was all abt.
Well T-minus12 days untio it all starts again. Am I prepared? Well let's just say I've got to do some "work" here, before I am ready to confront the new semester. Have I done anything? Oh yeah! It has been a rich holiday. Lots of reading, lots of cooking, lots of conversations, lots of thinking. Lots of work? Hmm - not so much.
One thot that I have been mulling is this idea abt the development of spirituality. Is there a process that tells us when someone is ready to get on to the next stage of discipleship. For instance the "Sin all the more - stuff". Is there a time in a person's life when they need to go thru legalism in order to understand grace. Well it is certainly true that I went thru that. But now I consider the foray into legalism as an aberration that kept me away from grace. But I certainly appreciate grace more that I know what the LAW was all abt.
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