Thursday, April 17, 2008

Partnership in the Gospel

as I sit in my usual place in the Daily Grind, waiting for the next student to come in... I am observing the room and I see 2 tables occupied by 4 Greek Impact (GI) students. This isn't all that unusual, but I am particularly touched today because of the partnership we share in the Gospel.

You see, as I am about to talk about the next issue of going on in the faith with the student in a minute; one of these tables is occupied by 2 sorority women. I know that this conversation is significant because the GI leader has been praying for an opportunity to tell the other student "her God-story". it is happening before my eyes! Because of the 'Foolishness of the Gospel' there is no reason that the listener should be interested, but because of the Holy Spirit's work in her life and her particular circumstances - all of a sudden there is a huge spiritual interest. Who knows what the result of this casual coffee time will be.

The other table is occupied by 3 GI students. One of them is teaching the other 2 to lead Bible Studies in their sororities. I can overhear part of this discussion as the leader is sharing Inductive Bible Study principles and they are each working off of a page from "Questions need to be made so that the people in the group will look into the text for the answer and they shouldn't be YES or NO type questions." WOW! I can't wait to see how these women will begin to increase the ministry by leading in each of their sororities. But also how they will develop as leaders by starting these groups!

What an amazing partnership that is going on: Me in my one-on-one discipling, the evangelistic discussion at table 1 and the Bible Study training at table 2, What can I say?

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