Friday, May 09, 2008

How to connect with God!

One of the things my job affords me the luxury of is spending 2 weeks at a retreat facility (Young Life's Rockbridge Alum Springs, in Western Virginia).  Now in earnest this is WORK! It really is. This week I am spending time training Small Group Leaders for next year's InterVarsity Chapters.  I have 4 students from University of Richmond (incl 2 who will be leading in their sororities) 2 from Chapel Hill and 2 from Univ of Mary Washington.  I also spoke last night on the "Nuts and Bolts of Launching a Small Group" to the entire Small Group Leaders Tract.

But when I am not working so hard, I have the opportunity to spend time with God, evaluate the Lord's work in my life over the past year and do a little vision-casting for next year. There is something about being away, out of the normal day-to-day, out of Williamsburg to see the peaks and valleys of God's work in my life and on campus.

So just today I was able to read scripture - Jonah is the book of choice for SGLs this year - and begin to have my eyes opened to my sin. (YUCK!) I was dealing with the little things that I get angry about and also my general rebellion against those pet-peeves I have.  I was beginning to realize my anger is linked to things I can't control and my rebellion is linked to the things I can control.  In terms of control it's when something is getting to be 'old hat' that I either get way too prideful or get way too rebellious.  My rebellion is because I think I can do a better job at running things than someone else or God.  So I try to make a statement based on what I want! 

Jonah did this same thing.  He didn't want to preach to the Ninevites - even though he was probably good at it.  He wanted to rest under the shade and sulk. BUT GOD - provided the city of Nineveh, He provided the Gourd and the Leaf for Shade, He provided the Worm to eat the Gourd and kill the Shade. Jonah thought he was in control yet he was just dependent on what God was doing!

Why don't I get that? I know God is sovereign. I know He directs my path.  I know He has my best interest in mind. Yet I still want to be angry and rebel. 

For Jonah his dependence on God improved as his connections with God improved.  

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