Wednesday, May 24, 2006


1 John 3:1: "How great is the Love the Father has LAVISHED on us that we should be called the children of God!"

It struck me as an odd word when I saw it. Do you know what I mean? When you look at a word that you know exists, but then it just looks & sounds odd when you see it in a different context.

To be honest: when I first read it today, the image that came to mind of LAVISH - was like a dog 'licking' his master. I don't know maybe it's something like putting the 'L's together or something. Maybe it is a dog LAVISHING his love for his master by licking him and sitting on his lap (another L, I guess). I don't know. That's what I meant by it being an odd word. Lavish, does not mean lick in any context - but that is the image I got. says Lavish means:
1) Characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion: a lavish buffet. See Synonyms at profuse.
2) Immoderate in giving or bestowing; unstinting.

So, the interesting thing about this is WE are the ones who should be LAVISHING LOVE on the Father - yet. 1st John tells us that HE Lavishes His love on us. And that is so that WE can be children of God. WOW! A double paradox here: Isn't this the norm with God.

OK - so because He saved us in the first place, we should be grateful and love Him. Yet because we needed to be saved He loved us (to save us). Then, even with our sin - He still loved us! (Rom 5:8) and apparently LAVISHLY - so that we might be His children.

It still looks like an odd word to me. But oh am I so glad it is a word!

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