Tuesday, May 16, 2006

So what is an evangelism initiative, anyway?

It has been noted that while InterVarsity (and by that I mean BIG InterVarsity, not our local chapter) has increased events focused on reaching non-believers without a clear proclamation (although Pancake House would be one of those - 1200 people served without a clear presentation of the Gospel, in Word.) there has not been a major growth in seeing people on campus respond to the Gospel.

So IVCF has asked each chapter to begin an evangelism initiative. Hmm! what is that? I'm not exactly sure yet. But they have asked each chapter to provide a number (quantitative term) of students that they will effectively pray for as a chapter. So is it a PRAYER initiative? Well that could be.

Certainly the most effective tool for evangelism is prayer. And certainly we want to keep that on the forefront of all budding evangelists minds. That the Lord is working to bring all those who do not know Him - to Him. So will it work to direct His attention to a few names that we know. How do we pray for those who don't know Him. Do we pray: "Lord, please bring someone into 'Johnny's' life, who can speak the Gospel to him." or "Lord, 'Johnny' needs you now - you know what to do." or "Lord, please prepare me to speak your truth to anyone I see today, but especially for 'Johnny', as I will see him at 3pm." Or all of the above.

And what about the numbers? Is that a contrived & manipulated method or a helpful indicator to get the people of God on the same page as the Father's heart? WOW, Students really reacted to that last night. At least W&M students did not like having to quantify evangelism. "It seems so impersonal." "Are we trying to limit God?" "I'm not comfortable talking about numbers of converts." Yet, as we talked many in the room mentioned individual friends who needed the Lord. Some talked about a number of friends from the dorm who came to campus in the fall with every intention of getting involved in Christian or Church activities and then didn't. Now for some of these it's kinda awkward to bring it up.

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