Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Perscription for a Perfect Men's Weekend...

1) A group of guys with a large affinity.
2) A great location.
3) Several sedentary activities: newspapers, books, Wii, PS3, iPOD, Karaoke, guitars, piano, lots of good couches & cushy chairs, a big deck outside, lots of beds (Rule # 1 of Men's retreats - One Man, One Bed), etc
4) Lots of good food: BBQ, Apple Pie, Chips & Salsa, Eggs & Bacon, Grits, Ham & Turkey, variety of good beverages
5) Several active activities: Basketball, Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts,
6) A fine dining establishment - for more good food & a chance to get out of the house at least once during the weekend.
7) opportunities for worship and Bible study
8) A set of questions to encourage honest, authentic deep sharing:

In an effort to help us share, and to stir some things up that can be followed up in free time, please answer the following questions. I encourage you to type/write answers and bring copies for everyone. Preparation will help you streamline your own thoughts, but also allow sharing to move forward without rambling. It will also allow us to make some notes, and give us good threads to follow up with you during free time.

What are any significant events that have happened over the last year/since our time together?

What is one Epiphany that you have had over the last year?

Who are you sharing your life with? Who are you mentoring? Who are you allowing into your life?

What have you been reading?

What is on your iPod that you should share? (New Music, good Podcasts, etc)

What have you been watching (Movies, but perhaps TV)?

What are your new hobbies/Fun activities?

How do the brothers need to hold you accountable/encourage you?

What is going on in job and what are you excited about in your job?

Where will your job/career be in 5-10 years from now?

What has been the most fun you have had this last year (or Highlight of your year) and why?

The above are the ones I would like us all to answer. However, you are free to share what you think is important. To get you thinking, here are some “stir the pot” questions

What has God been teaching you?
What have been the significant events in your family of origin, marriage, children, church, job, friendships?
What have you been confessing lately?

Spouse and Family
What has been the biggest joy/improvement in your marriage?
How have you not loved your spouse?
What have been the biggest struggles in your Marriage?
What has been your biggest struggle as a parent?
What have you enjoyed seeing in your children? What has scared you/Sent you to your knees?

Describe your current church involvements and situation
What have been your disappointments? What have been your biggest encouragements?
What is your vision for your church, and your involvement in it?

Brief update and overview
What do you hate about your job?

Who are your key relationships in your community/church?
What have you done to challenge yourself lately?
What has become more important than sex for you?
What are your new hobbies/Fun activities?

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