Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Leadership 2

I just finished directing a break-out on Leadership for the Greensboro Greek Conference. Forty eight fraternity and sorority students from all over the Eastern Seaboard attended the Leadership class.

So what is the primary lesson to come out of this program: Servant Leadership! In John 13, we studied Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. This had fascinating applications for our group.

Remember when Jesus selected his disciples. The Gospel of Mark says He chose 12 that they might be with Him. It seems like this 'withness' is Jesus' primary value. When we look at His choices - there is no apparent reason for their liklihood of being together. Several fisherman, a tax-collector, a political zealot among others. At best this august group was a random conglomeration of worldviews, occupations, lifestyles etc. Not necessarily a group we would select to lead a ministry or a cause or an organization. But this is who Jesus chose.

So back to John 13, when Jesus is planning on leaving He provides His final training, by washing their feet. The job reserved for the lowliest servant in the household. The act of course symbolizes humility & serving and maybe even brokenness.

In the Leadership Breakout, we discussed Jesus humility and talked about - that the world's emphasis on leadership is getting position and power, butthe Kingdom of God is based on service & humility.

Somehow in God's economy this equals out to true leadership. Putting others ahead of yourself builds camraderie & trust. Humbling yourself before those you ar 'leading' builds trust & relaibility. 'Washing someones feet' allows them to see how far down you are willing to go to lift them up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am always wondering as a high school teacher how I can model that kind of leadership to my students. I can think of ways with my colleagues to love and serve them, but it is harder for me to think of ways to do that with my students. This gives me something to think about . . .