Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Who's reading the Bible?

Just a couple things:

First in terms of that thing called a quiet time, it seems to me that there are fewer and fewer people who are making this a priority. Why is that? I think that in "our" new focus on Grace over Legalism; a movement that we have seen increase dramatically over the last couple years. Now, it is a focus that I completely agree with. But we have taken our liberty to remove habits that really help develop our relationship with God.

Second, If I am free from the time responsibility of Bible reading, then how can I develop my relationship with God? A relationship doesn't just develop by itself. It takes an effort, a commitment of time.

Third, there is a possibility that eventhough it looks legalistic I believe the most effective way to develop this relationship will take a consistent pattern of reading the source that reveals the most accurate picture and relational dealings of our Lord. In other words if we read the Bible systematically over a long period of time our knowledge of Jesus and our understanding of God will grow.

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