Monday, February 18, 2008

So What is Discipling anyway?

The Questions come: "I've never been discipled so how can I disciple someone?"

Well I am sorry that no one ever took the time to begin to meet with you, to encourage you to develop your spiritual life. I believe it is a crucial way to get a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, to build unity between brothers and sisters in the faith of Christ-followers, to develop a bolder community to reach the world. But this is becoming a lost art that I believe MUST be reversed starting today! Really, there is no excuse for us who identify ourselves as Christ-followers to not begin to take responsibility for those who are younger than us. Even if it is not an element that we have experienced.

I am gonna give you some homework and then make an offer and let's begin to reverse the trend...


Within a reasonable amount of time (1-3 hours) develop a list of topics / concepts / ideas that YOU are convinced are essential for someone who is identifying herself / himself as a Christ-Follower. After a day or so go back over the list and tweak your list. As a guideline think about 10 topics...

The Offer: If you are willing to take on this challenge, I will talk you through the next steps in beginning to be a Barnabas in someone's life just make a comment or send me an email. ( )

1 comment:

rebecca said...

awesome, marty! really great. I can use this in helping the other women in my church up here disciple others! (it's all part of the mentor wants me to form a sort of "discipling squad")