Saturday, June 03, 2006

A WEDDING in Lexington

Two days ago London, England; Yesterday Williamsburg, Today Lexington! And I was just in Lexington about 10 days ago - finishing up my time at Rockbridge. But this day is the celebration of the marriage of 2 good friends. What a joy it is to be here and see these 2 commence their life together.

Marriage: seen in so many aspects today. Our culture says: "Why bother?". While in England last week - the Parliment passed a law giving equivilency rights to co-habiters. That is, those who have a pattern (the pattern is yet to be determined) of living together without being married. When these co-habiters decide to end their relationship they can appeal to the courts for "benefits" from each other. So it is like a divorce without ever being married in the first place. WOW! That's confusing. Also, even for those who do get married the potential that each union ends in divorcre is staggering. Are these folks-in-love thinking about commitment or is it just the right thing to do? Is marriage today based on feeling, only?

Opinion #1 - We should have a way to celebrate longevity in marriage. There should be public honor for couples who reach 10yrs, 20yrs, 30yrs etc.

Opinion #2 - It seems like Christians have a higher view of marriage. At least they take the time to meet with a minister, to talk about long term commitment & see what the Bible has to say about marriage. I'm actually not sure about the standards about other religions - perhaps they have just as high a standard of commitment as Christians. BUT: even with this higher view of marriage there is still way too much divorce.

Opinion #3 - As a matter of personal character development we need to work on understanding what marriage is - before we even think about entering into it. Read books on it. Talk to people who have been married a short time (3 months to 4 years); a long time (5-20 years) and an extremely long time (25yrs to 60 yrs). Read what the Bible has to say about marriage. Talk to people who prefprm marriages - ministers & judges, and see how their opinions differ.

Opinion #4 - Before getting married, a couple should read & study the traditional vows. Learn why the vow-creators placed so much emphasis on strength, grace, community support & God's blessing.

So what is my part in this wedding today? I have quite an honor (being a little prideful here). The bride & groom have asked me to assist them in their first act of worship as husband and wife - to share Holy Communion.

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